Chapter 49 (FINALE - Pt. 1)

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-Ailith's POV-

"Ailith, there's a guard two meters, south-west of you. All our soldiers are in place, tailing all the guards in the vicinity. It's time to do your job."

"Roger," she muttered into the mouth-piece that was secured inside her cheek. She ran her tongue over the little sphere that was stuck on her mouth. How did they stick that in there? She had asked, but didn't get an answer.

She subtly turned around and studied the area. Amongst the hundreds of demons that were crowding the Solstice Festival, Ailith caught the slightest shimmer of the Veil.

A palace guard.

Ailith blinked through the Veil. The seemingly normal guard shifted and grew until it was a grotesque monster three feet taller than her. She stifled a gasp. "Can you see them?" she hissed through her microphone. "They're bloody monsters- worse than before. You want me to disentergrate that?"

"Yes, Ailith," said Vanessa from her ear-piece. She could practically picture the blonde rolling her eyes. "That's the plan. Don't you dare chicken-out now."

Ailith grumbled, mentally preparing herself. "Nine in the morning and I'm already killing people," she muttered to herself.

She began weaving through the crowd, toward the guard. The Fey had given her a magical disguise in the form of a bracelet- as long as she kept the jewellery on, she looked like a middle-aged demonic lady.

She could see the two tails lurking close by and felt a small sense of relief. Ailith began to heat up her hands, channeling her fear and nervousness into the much-needed power. Twin balls of white-hot flame erupted in her hands as she snuck up behind the guard.

Oh, Goddess, please don't let this go to hell, she silently prayed as she gripped each one of the mutant-demon's arms in her own hands.

For a second, nothing happened.

Until the guard's horrifying head turned 180 degrees to face her.

"Shit, shit, shit," she cursed under her breath. Part of her wanted to run in the opposite direction, but the bigger part of her stared stupidly into the monster's face.

It opened its mouth, it's disgusting rancid breath hitting her full in the face. Teeth as long and as sharp as her knives lined it's mouth.

"Um, hello," she stammered, her heart hammering in her chest. She couldn't fail so early on in the mission.

She fueled all her firepower, until it starting crumbling.

Slowly, it fell apart, until it burst into a cloud of ash.

Ailith let out a huge sigh of relief. "One down," she spoke into her mike. "How many left?"

"Well done. A hundred and ninety-nine left. Your next target is ten metres east. And it saw what you did. It's advancing, so please be a little faster and a lot less dramatic, and pray that it doesn't call for back-up. Thanks."

Ailith let out a small groan before she trudged off to find the next guard.


"Um, Ailith, you have a problem."

"Problem?" she demanded as she walked away from the 120th pile of dust-monster-guard. "Define 'problem'."

"Brace yourself. All the guards you've killed have been replaced. Oh, and there's a group of twelve soldiers coming for you."

Ailith swore profusely under her breath. "Now what?"

"We're sending a group of our soldiers to cover the gate that all the guards have been coming from so far. I'm getting one extra tail for each of the guards. Forget eliminating them, when battle breaks out, each of those palace guards will have three of our own soldiers on them, so it'll be something."

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