Chapter 41

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"Shit," cursed Hunter, ducking down. "We need to get out of here."

Ailith dazedly nodded in agreement.

"If we run, then they'll catch up. If we fly, then they'll see us and I can't carry you for too long."

She gave him a dirty look before rolling her eyes. "Can't you teleport or some shit?"

"No, I cannot 'teleport or some shit'!" he mimicked angrily.

"Then we'd better get running." She jumped down from the roof, landing rather clumsily in a crouch.

Hunter landed down next to her, with all the agility and grace of a demon.

"Show-off," she muttered.

He shook his head lightly before he took off running, almost invisible.

Ailith sprinted after him, her heart already screaming in protest.


Despite having spent a large amount of her life working on special breathing and cardio exercises, Ailith's heart began screaming, her lungs burning and stitches formed in her sides after ten minutes.

With both of their speeds, they ended up on the edge of the town.

"Okay, okay, wait up," she panted, calling out to Hunter.

He slowed down and was at her side. "Aw, did my looks get you breathless, already?"

With her hands on her knees, her heart aching, she still managed to shoot him a glare. "You wish."

He was barely winded. He had a slight sheen of sweat glinting at his hairline, but Ailith was sweating from every pore of her body.

"What's the plan?" she asked him, finally catching her breath. She grabbed a water bottle and took a swig of the grossly warm water.

"Run," he answered.

"You don't have a plan? Excuse me, I'm the one with the bad attitude, and you're the one with the plans."

"And you're doing your part exceptionally."

Ailith rolled her eyes and put the bottle away. "After running?" she pressed.

"There's a meadow past a small swamp. The meadow is an ideal place for training."

"Great. So we're still training and running. Do we have a plan?"

"The summer solstice," he finally admitted. "It's in a week. If we- if we can get your powers working, then on the summer solstice, there's a festival..."

She waited for him to elaborate, looking at him expectantly.

He sighed, looking weary. Baggy, purple half-moons hung under his eyes. Frown lines ran deep rivers on his forehead. He looked as if he'd aged fifteen years.

"Well, on the papers we stole from the King's office, it said that he planned to attack during the festival and declare rule over all the realms. So, I reckon we could stop that."

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