Chapter 29

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-Ailth's POV-

They lay there for minutes, hours or an eternity, Ailith wasn't sure. All that mattered was that Hunter was with her, and that he was okay.

"We should get going," Hunter finally murmured in her hair.

"The curfew is at ten, and Lucifer is usually asleep by eleven or twelve. We have a time until then," Ailith whined back, burying her face into his chest and snuggling deeper into his arms.

Only moments later did she stiffen as she heard soft footfalls that she recognised.

"What is it?"

"Under the bed," hissed Ailith. "Hide. Hurry!"

Hunter moved faster than lightning, out from under Ailith and sliding under the queen-sized bed.

Just as she made a casual expression, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," called Ailith.

The polished wooden knob twisted and the door swung open, revealing a pink-cheeked Calliope with a dinner tray.

"Hello, my lady," she smiled, walking in.

"Hello," she greeted back.

Calliope carefully put the dinner tray in front of Ailith. "Anything else?"

The silver tray had a lovely smelling cut of chicken and a few accessories, along with a glass of water.

"Just a large cup of coffee, please," smiled Ailith. She knew she needed the caffeine and energy.

She caught the twitch in Calliope's brow.

"I'm planning on training later on," she lied quickly. "Is Lucifer here? I've rather grown fond of training with him."

"The master is dining at the moment. Would you like me to inform him?"

"No thanks," replied Ailith. "I'll see if I can ask him myself. Just the coffee for now."

Calliope nodded quickly and scurried out of the room.

When the door shut softly, Hunter slid out from under the bed.

His eyes went to the dinner tray. "Maid?" he asked, an eyebrow raised.

"A really sweet witch named Calliope. Come here, eat something with me."

Hunter didn't make a motion toward the food. In fact, there was something tense about him.

"I'm not gonna be able to eat," admitted Ailith, her stomach churning. "I'm nervous. That's why I asked for the coffee."

Hunter levelly trained his gaze on Ailith. "'You've grown rather fond of training with him'? I couldn't help but notice you missed telling me that."

"What's the big deal-"

Wrong thing to say. Hunter's eyes fired up and his jaw set.

"What's the big deal? Tell me, Ailith, how handsome is he? Is he amazing at combat? Is he great in bed-"

"Hunter!" she snarled back. "Yeah, he's hot. Yeah, he's a good fighter. But do you really thing I've forgotten why I'm here? I was training and he walked on me once. Once. What the hell do you have to be jealous about?"

"Jealous?" he exploded. "Do you think I'm jealous? You've been getting cozy with the enemy-"




Hunter didn't say anything. He turned his pink-tinged face away, breathing heavily.

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