Chapter 9

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Ailith stepped beside Amar, who was packing his bag up.

"Hey," she said clearly, a charming smile on her face, ignoring her climbing nervousness.

"Hello," he said in a flat tone without looking at her.

"I was just wondering how someone as beautiful you, ended up with Vanessa," she flirted, far too obviously, trying not to cringe or gag.

Amar raised an eyebrow and turned his head at her, an Are You Serious expression on his face.

"I'm not kidding," she said, her voice dropping to a low seductive drawl.

"You're literally an angel," she said, running a hand down his arm, leaning toward him. "And she's bad enough to be a demon."

Now Amar gave Ailith his full attention, a smirk carved his angelic face.

"You believe so," he mused, his voice as quiet as Ailith, sending involuntary shivers down her spine.

He radiated an aura that made Ailith long for his touch.

Trying to clear her head, she tilted her head up and looked into his steel eyes and just focused on the way they reflected the light, rather than his cold but attractive voice.

"I do."

Pulling back, at arms length, she spoke.

"Coffee after training tomorrow? At seven?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.

"Gloria Jeans," he answered. "Starbucks is foul."

"Tell me about it," she grinned, secretly annoyed that she agreed.

"I'll see you then," she winked, before turning around, and walking in, what she hoped, was a nonchalant way.

Aaron was waiting for her at the door. "That was surprisingly very good," he approved, as they began heading out.

"That was one of the most stressful ten minutes of my life," she admitted.

"Nah you couldn't tell. It was a tad bit over-board, but like not for Amar's type," he said.

"Whatever," she shrugged before changing the subject. "Wanna come over and watch a movie?"

"Yeah," he grinned at her. "There has to be pizza, though," he added seriously.

"Of course," she promised. "Today's babysitting money shall be used to pay for your pizza."

Aaron's face broke out in his usual crooked grin.

He slung an arm casually around Ailith's shoulders, threw his head back and laughed.

A warm feeling spread through in her chest, she grinned back, all her worry gone.

She didn't even bat an eye as they walked up the claustrophobic spiral staircase- she was in too much of a good mood.


Ailith walked to the underground training room, alone. After spending the past few days with Hunter and Aaron, she just wanted a day for herself.

Ailith felt the familiar tightening in her chest as she walked down the dark, spiral steps.

She looked down and concentrated on her nails. She had gotten a cool manicure that day, and she was obsessed with looking at it.

In fact, she became so engrossed with her nails that she was glad that she didn't realise that she'd reached the bottom of the staircase.

"Hello," smiled Ailith as she entered, at Amar, who had been standing in the training room alone.

"Good day," said Amar in return, stepping toward her.

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