Chapter 35

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Hunter and Lenobia went in before Ailith did. Not that she minded.

There wasn't a very big room, only half the size of the office previously.

The floor was made of black marble, the walls were a deep shade of plum and a glass chandelier occupied most of the high roof.

There was a chest of filing cabinets. On top of the metal, sat a manila folder that caught her eye.

Ailith made a grab for it as the others looked around.

She opened it up, feeling her heartbeat in her fingers, afraid of what she might find.

There were papers, in English too, but the letters seemed to be completely scrambled.

What she recognised as the royal seal, two lions on their hind legs in a circle facing eachother with a fire in between them, was on every single paper.

"Um, guys?" she called out, her voice wavering.

She heard their footsteps behind her as she stared at the papers.

She turned around and showed the folder to Hunter and Lenobia. They studied the pages for a few, deadly silent moments.

Ailith felt a familiar cramp in her stomach. Oh, crap. This is the worst time..

She squished her legs together desperately. "Anything?"

"It's definitely a code," was all the older demon said.

"No shit. Anything else?" Ailith rolled her eyes, despite the pains and dread in her stomach.

"Swap every second letter with the third last one, and then remove every eighth word and twenty-first letter," Hunter said with certainty.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she wrinkled her nose. "It can't be that easy."

Hunter shot her a nasty look. "You didn't solve it, princess, so don't say shit about easy."

"Stop bickering like children," interceded Lenobia, sending a sharp look to the both of them.

Hunter grunted and turned his gaze back to the papers. "These are letters and forms. The general gist of it seems to be experimentation reports as well as orders and records of things."

"What?" demanded Ailith. She stomped to Hunter's side, Lenobia on the other.

"Those attacks were excuses to gather demons for scientists to use as lab rats. The experiments were done here, in the palace. With shipments of all sorts of poisons, herbs, drugs, metals, elements, chemicals and shit even I haven't heard of."

Hunter's voice was filled with barely concealed rage. When Ailith glanced at him, she saw his ears and neck red while his face was tinted with pink.

She felt herself feel nauseous. Her heartbeat accelerated wildly. "And those kids seemed to be test subjects," whispered Ailith.

"And the perfected kind of whatever they were making," agreed Hunter.

"They seem to be creating a sort of super drug. Turn people into mindless killing machines.."

"And you've got your own army," finished Lenobia.

The three of them glanced at eachother.

"He already has an army," argued Ailith, clenching and unclenching her sweating hands.

"It wouldn't hurt to turn it into a super army. And add four billion demons to it," snorted Hunter with bitter disgust.

"Well done, you've figured it out."

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