Chapter 39

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-Ailith's POV-

Ailith scrunched her face up as a small groan erupted from her throat. Sunlight poured through her eyelids and her head pounded.

She felt a pair of lips brush against her cheek, and her lips tugged upward.

Hunter's okay.

"Come on," his deep voice whispered, his warm breath tickling her ear. "Wake up."

"No," she murmured, swatting him away. "It hurts."

"That's what you get for drinking."

She kicked him under the covers, and turned, facing her back to him. "Prick."

A pair of arms snaked around her waist and a familiar body pressed against hers. "Princess.."

"Go away," she whined.

"C'mon, get up. It's past midday."

She sighed, her head aching so bad she saw stars. "Fine."

Hunter let go of her, and she gingerly sat up, blinking and wincing.

She was passed a glass of water which she downed in a few seconds.

"Can't you use the Soul Sword?" he asked, sounding almost faraway.

Ailith nodded. "I'll try."

She pulled up the little sword pendant and pressed it to her temple for a few seconds.

Immediately, her head cleared and she felt energetic again.

She glanced upward at Hunter as she dropped the necklace. "All good," she grinned.

She hopped off the bed and sauntered into the bathroom. "I'm off for a shower," she announced.

"Can I join in?" asked Hunter, grinning mischievously. There was no glint in his eyes, but he was trying.

"In your dreams, Sunshine."


Ailith's short hair dried quickly as she washed the used clothes in the provided washing machine. She only wore an oversized shirt, nothing underneath.

She could see Hunter from the corner of her eyes, trying to fix the tiny box television.

"I thought you lot were technologically advanced," she said jokingly at him.

"We are," he called back. "That's why I can't get this primitive human shit to work."

She frowned. "I am personally offended by that."

"You should be," the demon replied. "You're primitive human shit too."

Ailith glared at him and threw a bar of soap at him. "Ass-face."

"Shit-dick," he grinned back.

She stalked over to him and smacked his arm. "Balls-for-brains."

Hunter burst out in laughter. "Balls-for brains?"

"I have a creative imagination."

"More like a dirty and psychotic one."

Ailith smiled at him. He was almost himself, and her heart soared at the thought.

"Shut up."

"Make me." Hunter pulled her close to him.

She could feel his heartbeat against hers. She could see every individual streak of red in his irises. She could see the purple shadows under his eyes, and the forming stubble on his cheeks and chin.

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