Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey guys! Long time no see, but I'm back and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

We've been running in the maze for around 4 hours now and it's time for lunch. We stopped at our usual spot and dat down. We had been eating in silence until Minho broke the silence. "So, you and Newt huh?" 
"Slim it shank." I say giving him a warning glare.
"I'm just wondering if you two are together." He says putting his hands up in surrender.
"No we are not." I say. I'm actually not sure if we are, he never actually asked me out, so I don't think we are.

Minho looks at me like he doesn't believe me, "So answer me this and I'll leave you alone about it."
"Alright, fine. What?"
"If you two aren't together, then why were you snuggled up on the bed this morning?"
"Well, if you'll think back to last night when I was screaming bloody murder in my sleep 'cause of a nightmare. After you all left I talked to Newt about my dream and asked him to stay with me." I explain unsure if I made the right decision telling Minho this. He was just staring at me... What was he doing?

Minhos POV:

In a way I don't believe what she told me, but she hasn't been here too long so I don't think they would be dating yet... Ah hell I have no idea.

Your POV:

"Hey Min!" I yell snapping my fingers in front of his face.
"Huh what?"
*click click wrr, click click wrr* (I have no idea what sound they make) "Min... Is that what I think it is?" I ask starting to get scared.
"Yeah it is, we need to go now."

We take off at a slow jog because we don't actually know where the griever is. We've been jogging for about 10 minutes and we still hear the griever. "How long until the doors close?" I whisper to Minho.
"About and hour. Let's go ahead and run back." I nod my head in agreement and then we take off.

We run straight down the corridor and turn left at the end to run face to face with a griever. When it sees us it screams it's horrible scream, I cover my ears trying to block out the sound.

It charges at us and I hear Minho yelling at me to run, just as I was turning around to run it hit me with one of its spider-like legs, cutting a gash from the top of my shoulder it the middle of my chest. I let out a cry of pain but got up and started running anyway, no time to cry. Minho helps me run along side of him as we are being chased.

I don't know how long we have been running, but we finally lost it. We stop to catch our breath, but that doesn't last long, Min looks at his watch and says, "We have 12 minutes until the doors close, and it's a 20 minute slow run from here."
"Well then, we better run like the wind."

We start running as fast as we could to the glade. As soon as we turn the corner and see the glade the doors begin to close. "C'mon (Y/N) we have to hurry!" Minho yells at me. The whole glade is at the doors cheering us on, and when I see Newt and Chuck at the front yelling at me to hurry I run even faster.

We make it just before the doors close. We both collapse on the ground and try to catch our breath. Minho seems fine, I on the other hand feel really dizzy. Newt and Chuck both hug me and when they let go Newt noticed the gash. "Bloody hell (Y/N) what happened!" Newt yelled looking at the gash. "Griever got her." Minho replies for me. Before I could say anything I fall to the ground and my vision is fuzzy and I can't hear to good anymore. Next thing I know I'm being packed to the Medjacks.

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