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Hello guys so like I said I have an idea that I want everyone's opinions on.
Should I continue this book and tell you about life after/during rehab or should I leave this book and start a new book.The new book would still be about this situation that Maya is in,it would just be the 2nd book in the 'series' and it would still be Joshaya aimed,just changed ever so slightly.

I want to do the new book and have it as a 2+ part book series but that is just what I think.PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Imagine me begging on my hands and knees for you all to tell me because I really don't want to decide.I hate deciding.

That is all.You can go back to your lives now.Please let me know.
Byeeeeee for now.

Hush Hush-JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now