Part 8

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Maya stared at herself through the mirror and began to breathe heavily.She was meeting Josh in 5 minutes and she didn't have a clue what to do.Did she mention the kiss or just let it slide?Who was she kidding the kiss would be the only thing the two fo them would think of.Wait what if Josh didn't like the kiss?What if Josh didn't like Maya in that way?
"Stop over thinking everything Maya.Come on you can do this compared to facing Riley at school this should be a breeze."
She gave herself a small pep talk and then checked her outfit one more time before she left the apartment.
Here goes nothing.

Josh was leaning against his car trying to act cool and keep calm.He didn't know what was going to happen next either.He just kept looking forward at the door waiting for Maya to come out.When she finally did come out she took Josh's breath away.She looked beautiful in a relaxed way and Josh loved that about her.Maya was perfect in her own special way.Once she arrived in front of him they stared at each other awkwardly, not knowing where to start.
"So......about that kiss."
They both spoke at the same time and once they had finished burst into laughter.
"You start Josh."
Maya didn't want to tell Josh how she felt until she had an understanding of Josh's feelings towards her.
"Oh...well ok then......I really liked the kiss and I think I like you and have feelings for you but you are 16 nearly 17 and I'm 19 nearly 20 and it would be illegal for us to have a very serious relationship yet.I really want to be with you Maya because you are the most special and talented girl I have ever met and I want to see what you do with the world......I want to be in your world.......If you feel the same way then I think we should try to this Friday night?"
Maya's face lit up at the sound of those words.Joshua Matthews actually liked her,Maya Hart.Wow.
"Wow.....I really liked the kiss to and I really like you and I know we have an age gap but in a few years time it won't matter and we can be together for real.....and I would love to go out with you this Friday."
Josh smiled at her and pulled her closer to him.He gently kissed her on the forehead them once,quickly on the lips.
"It's a date then."

Yep told ya guys this would be another short chapter....sorry..
The next chapter will probably skip to right before the date and we will see some Maya/Farkle friendship and then the Joshaya date.
Also I will have a chapter about Maya and her newly formed music career soon aswell so yeah.
And there will be some more friendship drama between Riley/Maya/Lucas/Farkle soon.
Yay its nearly Christmas guyyyys
Megan x

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