Part 11

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Maya and Farkle where sat in detention with Lucas and Riley.Nothing but silence filled the room as they all stared at each other.
"I don't even understand why I am here I was just stood in the middle of it all when it happened."
Lucas stood up in protest and walked over to Mr Matthews who just rolled his eyes and continued with his work.
"Oh please if you hadn't have said all that crap yesterday when we went out then I wouldn't have had to apologise to Maya for being all bitchy with her yesterday at the subway and then all of us wouldn't be in detention would we?"
Riley raised her voice and shot Lucas a disgusted look.It was Maya's turn to speak up now.
"Will you all just shut up and stop fighting and just let us carry out this detention in peace.We all messed up big time and none of us will be able to forgive each other until we forgive ourselves.Isn't that what Mr Matthews taught us all those years ago.Why did we have to grow up and become idiots and fall out?Why can't life just continue like it used to.With us four as friends?"
Everyone shrunk down into their seats and silence took over the room once again.
"You do realise that we are in this room right now because of a stupid lunch time food fight that we started because we are too selfish to actually value the true meaning of friendship.Riley,Lucas you left me and turned into populars who didn't care about people like me and Maya you just disappeared.If I can forgive each of you for the shit you put me throught then you three can forgive each other too........Stop being so damn selfish."
Maya and Riley locked eyes.For the first time since Maya had returned it seemed like they actually cared for each other.
"I'm truly sorry Riles.For leaving you without reason and for everything that I haven't been through with you this past year.If you really want to know why I left then I will tell you.......I was in a really low point in my life.I had been admitted into hospital following attempted....suicide...and I.....I found out I had feelings for Lucas but you and Lucas were together so I didn't want to ruin anything.It hurt see you all so happy in life and I couldn't even tell you because I knew it would ruin you all aswell....that's why I left,I needed to escape everything and everyone for a while."
Riley was in tears whilst Lucas,Farkle and Cory were all staring in shock at Maya.
"Maya........I didn't know....I....I...I'm so sorry."
Lucas couldn't speak because of the shock.All Maya could do was laugh.Laugh the pain away.
"Haha.It's ok huckleberry,I'm happy now and I don't like you like that anymore.Plus you and Riley are perfect for each other."
"Maya.You could've told me.You...I could've helped."
Farkle walked over to Maya and pulled her into a tight embrace.
"Hey like I said I am fine.As long as you guys forgive me them I am definitely fine.Could you give me and Riley a moment alone?"
Cory,Lucas and Farkle all left the room leaving Maya and Riley to talk.Riley was still crying and her whole body was paralysed.
"Riles,it's ok now I'm ok and I want us to be ok,together again.Please?"
Riley came out of her trance and looked Maya in the eyes.
"Maya......I am sorry for treating you like this and for thinking really horrible things about you when you were gone.I don't want to ever be seperated from you ever again and I just want my best friend back....."
They both stood up and pulled each other into the longest hug they had ever given.
"Best friends again?"
"We were always best friends at heart."
They both fell into a fit of laughs at how cheesy Riley's comment was.

"Now what is this about you liking my boyfriend and you going on a date with my uncle Josh?"

So you found out why Maya left and you got some drama and they are all friends again.
There will be a lot more Joshaya and Rucas now and I dont know where this book is going but I may do a very short time skip so then Maya is in college and I also have a very big twist for the end of this book.
Megan x

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