Part 5

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Attention:A very small amount of swearing will occur in this chapter so I am sorry in advance if you are against it or something.This will probably only happen on very rare occasions though.........

Maya turned around to face the person who had shouted her.
"Oh wow.It is really you.I....I why did you go away.Where the hell have you been.Wait what are you doing back here....I mean....just why?"
Maya stared up into his eyes.Nothing.She didn't feel anything for him.No guilt or anger or love.Did she still even want to be friends with the same people now she was back and changed?
"Listen Lucas I will explain everything to you and Farkle and Riley when we have a break but right now I just want to get to class.I don't want to be late."
Lucas gave Maya and strange expression.
"What the hell Maya?You hate school why would you want to get to class early and also its just me and Riley now,we don't really speak to Farkle."
It was Maya's turn to give a strange look this time.How come the unbreakable four broke so quickly?
"Oh.Right well I gues we will discuss all that when we have some time.Plus I have changed now,I gotta go Lucas so seya."
With that Maya walked away from Lucas leaving him stood still shocked.
"Hey babe who were you talking to?"
Riley came up from behind Lucas and kissed him on the cheek.He came out of his daze to face Riley.
"Oh erm I will let you find that out when we enter class.For now how about we do this."
Lucas pulled Riley closer to him as they began to kiss.Riley was slightly puzzled but went along with it anyway.

As Riley walked into class with Lucas and the rest of their new friends she noticed a new girl sat at the back of the room with her head down writing in a note book and listening to music.She reminded Riley of Maya a lot with her long golden locks but she knew it wasn't Maya.Not a day went by were she didn't think about her.Maya Hart her best friend forever and always wherever she may be.
"Hey do you know who the new girl is?"
Riley turned around to ask her friend Sasha and locked eyes with Farkle as she did so.He quickly looked away as Riley gave him a small but powerful dirty look.After the argument they had just after Maya left,Riley and Lucas hadn't spoken to Farkle.
"Nope don't have a clue but she looks like a geek like Farkle sat in the back of the class.She hasn't even put her head up since we got in ha!"
Sasha snorted and then shut up when she noticed the teacher walk in.It was history and Cory still taught it eventhough he was now the principal.
"Everyone shut up and listen to me.That includes you miss Hart.Head up,music out its lesson time and I know I will have a very improtant one to teach in the midst of all the drama that is about to begin."
Maya slowly brought her head up and took out her earphones and looked around the room.Everyone was whispering and some slowly began to realise that the blonde in the back was the one and only Miss Maya Hart.Her eyes locked with Lucas' first who gave her a sympathetic yet puzzled expression,then Farkle's who seemed very excited yet hurt and lastly Riley's.Riley had tears in her eyes and Maya didn't know if they were happy tears or painful tears.Maya quickly looked away and stared straight ahead at the board trying to avoid and block out everyone else.

"Maya how could you?"
Riley spoke up and stared straight at Maya.It was like going back into the past when they all spoke freely about their lives for one hour per day whilst linkig it to the history of the world.
"Hello Riley,it has been a while."
Maya regained her confidence again and smiled at her ex best friend.
"Hello?Hello?I haven't seen you in like 1 and a half years and all I get is a simple hi?You just left one weekend without even saying goodbye.I was your best friend Maya and you abandoned me in the world and I didn't know how to feel.You could have been dead for all I knew.I was just forgetting about you too and now you have to come back and ruin it all."
Riley now had tears streaming down her face whilst Maya was fighting herself to stay strong and not cry.
"I am sorry Riles but I had to leave.I had to find a new me,do some soul searching if you please."
Riley laughed at the simple manner Maya was showing.
"How can you be this calm?I hat you Maya Hart.You're..........You're a Fucking Bitch!!!"
Maya stared at Riley in shock.The okd Riley would never swear and especially not infront of her own father.
"Riley detention after school.Maya,Lucas and Farkle I would also like to see you there too so then you can all sort this out and not let it affect your school lives.Now please avert your attention towards the board."

Sorry about the swearing guys but I needed to give Riley a detention so then I can let you all know more about why Maya moved and also to show you how angry Riley is.
No Joshaya yet I know but I think it will be coming very soon.Maybe in a couple of chapters or maybe at the end of the next chapter who knows.
Megan x

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