Redemption Chapter Twenty

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The last chapter (before the epilogue). Enjoy! :)

Chapter Twenty


I woke up with the realization, the certitude, that Amelie was dead.

For a moment I was too stunned to move. Too stunned to do anything but repeat the word.

“Dead. She’s dead.”


I was on my feet in a second. The next, I had already a black tee and pants on.

Her soul was calling out to me. And that could mean only one thing. She was dead.

I tried to think straight. But Hell, it was hard. Panic was fighting with reason in my head, on the verge of taking me over.

So our connection wasn’t totally gone after all. I guess that bringing her back to life had created a new link between us.

She’s not dead; I kept telling myself all the while. She can’t be. It must be an error. It has to be. SHE HAS TO BE ALIVE.

And then, without even realizing it, I was teleporting, following the call of Amelie’s soul.

In an explosion of blue flames, I materialized on the shore of the Thames.

She was there. But she wasn’t alone.

I had to blink a few times.

Her body, clad in soaked through clothes was in the lap of a woman. A woman with a cascade of blond waves, from whom a light so intense was emanating that I had to narrow my eyes to look at her.

Another realization sank in.


Amelie was in her arms, her unseeing glassy eyes staring into empty space, her soul hovering in my mother’s hand. Her other hand was smoothing Amelie’s hair softly. No heartbeat came from Amelie’s body.

She was dead.

White-hot rage filled me. My sword materialized in my hand immediately.

I stalked closer, and a growl escaped me.

My sorry excuse of a mother looked up at me.

“You killed her,” I growled.

She was looking at me with wide, beautiful emerald eyes.

“Nathanael?” she breathed. Her voice was music to my ears, which only angered me more.

“You killed her,” I repeated.

“No, I didn’t… my son,” she said, looking at me, her expression filled with a love she had no right to feel.

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” I roared, ready to kill her. I raised my sword.

Amelie’s soul lifted from my mother’s hand, and it floated closer to me. The light that emanated from it… there are no words, in no language known to man to describe its consistence or color. Her soul stretched, expanding into a human shape, until she stood in front of me, naked, too beautiful to look at. Her hair was moved by an invisible breeze.

My sword hovered over her, so I lowered it to my side. My gaze fell to the ground.

“Amelie…” I breathed, my voice broken.

“Lucifer…” her voice was heavenly, more heavenly to my ears than my mother’s ever will be. It was like the sound of wind chimes, so delicate, so light… “Gabrielle didn’t kill me,” she said softly. That voice soothed my every nerve.

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