"Of course," he nodded. He began explaining to me how to use all the gadgets, I tried to pay attention but I couldn't. Why would Liam break up with Miley? They were perfect for each other and they had been dating for such a long time. There must've been some huge explanation to why he broke it off.

"Oh and I saved the best for last," Jeremy said leading me into a huge room with a cars which brought my attention back. He lead me to a big black car that looked exactly like the one that I described to him.

"Holy shit," I whispered.

"It's something isn't it," he said. He began explaining to me how to work it.

"Justin would've loved to drive it," I murmured.

"He did have a thing for cars didn't he."

"How much will it cost?" I asked.

"It's for free for you," Jeremy told me.

"I can't accept that for free," I protested.

"Sure you can," he said. Before I could protest again he added, "look Selena, I know you're doing a brave thing and trying to help the city and all but you really need to be safe, I would hate for something to happen to you."

"Of course I'll be safe especially with all this," I said gesturing to the car.

"I'll have my workers drop the car off in your driveway tonight. I don't think you'll wanna drive something like that in the day time it'll attract a lot of attention."

I smiled. "Thank you so much again. I really have to get going but I hope I'll see you around."


Taylor's P.O.V.

"Where is Selena?" Ashley asked. "Didn't she say she'd be here soon."

"She will and I don't see how she'd help with the situation," I snapped. I loved Selena to death, but I honestly didn't understand why the girls wanted her here to comfort Miley. I mean sure she might it's what a good friend would do but would it really make her feel better?

"Because Selena has had a relationship come to a horrible end and had her heart broken just like Miley's is now," Ashley said.

"Yes but Selena's relationship came to a horrible end because her boyfriend was shot not because her boyfriend was an asshole," I hissed.

A beautiful brunette, Selena opened the door to find us standing there. "Where's Miley?" she asked.

"There you are!" Ashley and I exclaimed at the same time.

"She's in there with Demi and Vanessa," I said pointing to Miley''s room. Our rooms here were huge they were more like apartment rooms but fancier.

Selena didn't say anything she just ran into the room. Ashley and I followed behind.

"Hey Miles," she said softly.

"Um I think we should give Selena and Miley a bit of privacy," I told Vanessa and Demi who were sitting on the bed next to Miley. They nodded and silently got up.


Miley's P.O.V.

As soon as Selena entered the room and the others left I felt a bit better. As much as I loved the other girls, Selena and I had a special bond. I felt like I could relate to her the most and usually called her for help first.

"Hey," I muttered softly as soon as the girls left.

"I heard what happened Miley. I'm so sorry. He's an idiot for doing that to you." Selena said.

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