Chapter 18 Lost and found

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Amanda, I bet that was the worst birthday ever, wasn't it?" I ask.

"Actually, no, it wasn't. The night of my sixteenth birthday, we were all awoken by loud whines coming from the meadow, so we got up and ran to the meadow to see what was there. When we got there we saw that one of our rabbit traps was tripped and in it was a little red wolf pup's paw. Her eyes were yellow signaling to us that her wolf was in control. When one of my pack members released her paw, she went wild. Running back and forth, howling, snapping, and snarling at us. We then all took turns trying to calm her down and get her to regain control but she wasn't having any of it, even Alpha Michael, who was at this time battling lung cancer, gave it a try. Still nothing.

"Finally, I stepped up. Seeing she was a red wolf herself, I thought I had a pretty good chance, so I took it. When she first saw me, she cocked her head to the side and looked at me as I approached her. At first she didn't do anything but look at me, then she stood up and got into a play bow while wagging her little tail. Slowly but surely, her eyes returned to their aquamarine color and she got control of herself again, but she still wouldn't shift back. Seeing that she trusted me and no one else, Alpha Michael allowed me to take her home. It was only after I carried her into my house and gave her some red meat that she shifted back. Pretty soon after that I learned her name was Victoria. She'll trust me like a mom, but I can't say the same for strangers."

"Wow, that sounds like one heck of a night," I say.

"Yeah, it was, and you want to know what's strange, Alpha? I don't think it was a coincidence that I found her on the night of my sixteenth birthday. I don't know, it's just every time I look at her, I think to myself. What are the odds that she was a sweet sixteen gift from my father. I mean I know that isn't possible, but the daddy's girl inside of me still believes it's the case." Amanda looks towards Victoria.

"Where are her parents?" I ask her.

"I don't know, but I do know something bad happened to them," Amanda replies.

"Oh, yea, how do you figure that?" I ask her, curiously.

"Well, she can't stand to be around loud noises. She has nightmares almost every night, and she's scared of me turning out the lights at night. That's why I think she shifted at such a young age, because of what she saw that night, afterwards her wolf took control and helped her escape the same fate," she replies.

"Well that's a very interesting back story," I say.

"Oh, you haven't heard part two yet."

"What's the difference between part one and part two?" I ask.

"Trust me, Alpha, there's a lot more drama in part two."

"Okay then, let's hear it," I say.

"Well, for the first two months after that, everything was normal. Then Alpha Michael's health took a turn for the worse. When he was on his death-bed, one of his last dying wishes was that Victoria and I would be kept safe; because you have to honor an Alpha's dying wishes, it's the code. Well, for Ace this meant asking me to be his Luna and that's what he did, on the night of his sixteenth birthday, he called me before the pack and asked. I would've taken it if I hadn't known what would've happened to Victoria. If I had taken his offer Victoria would've been killed, that's the code of our pack, but I also had a right to reject his offer, and that's what I did.

"I told him I wasn't interested, then Victoria and I shifted and started to make our way towards home. My house was in between the meeting place and a thin stretch of forest. Sometime later when we were walking through the woods, Victoria was out in front and I was bringing up the rear, when I smelt something.

"I then told Victoria to get down and stay low, she did so. I could hear something charging at us, as I saw the dark wolf, I pushed Victoria out-of-the-way. Ace's black wolf was on me in an instant. The fight was no contest. His wolf overpowered mine, but I fought hard and managed to throw him off me. That fight may have left me with a scar over my wolf's eye, but I had already made my point clear. As a punishment for defying him he made me the Subordinate Female. For six months I had to work hard to get enough food for Victoria and me, it wasn't easy hunting alone. Finally, when I heard we were leaving to come and help you after your loss, I took Victoria and fled, and we've tried to keep a low profile ever since."

"Have you um...found your mate?" I ask, trying to lighten up the mood.

"No, I haven't. Honestly, Alpha, I'm not sure there is one out there. Besides, loving me is one thing, but can you think of anyone that would want a single mother with a pup?"

I'm about to respond, when I hear a knock at the door, we both turn our heads. "It's open," I say calmly.

"Hey, Sophie, you cooking something good?" Greg asks.

"No." I hear him close the door behind him.

"Well, I can tell you one thing Sophie, something does smell good."

"What does it smell like?" I ask him.

"Fresh pine and sage," he replies as he's walking up the hallway that leads into the living room. "I was just taking a walk through Alpha Hood when I smelt the scent coming from your house..." Greg trails off as he stops in the entrance way to the living room and his eyes land on Amanda, who stands up. "It really is you," I hear Greg say, he and Amanda then run towards each other, meeting in the center of the living room. "My name is Greg Tomas, and I will love you now and forever more." Greg hugs Amanda tightly.

"What about her?" asks Amanda, as she looks towards Victoria.

Amanda doesn't need to tell Greg anything, just the look in her eyes says it all for him. "I understand, if a werewolf finds his soul mate, if need be, he has to accept the both of you. Oh, I love you so much, sweetheart," says Greg, still holding Amanda.

Victoria goes over to her mom, and tugs gently on her pants leg. Amanda gently picks her up. "Well, Greg, I'm Amanda, and this is my daughter Victoria." Amanda gestures towards the little girl in her arms.

Greg greets Victoria with a gentle "Hi". She smiles at him, which must mean she likes him.

As I sit watching the new, happy family take shape in front of my eyes, I start to picture myself doing the same thing. With the boy I love, who's asleep back at Den House.


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His alpha her Omega (Book 1 of the His Alpha Her Omega Series)Where stories live. Discover now