『Man With a Plan - Akaashi Keiji』

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Volleyball practice just ended in the Fukurodani gym. Sweaty and tired, the boys went to get their water bottles and towels to freshen up before starting to clean up the gym. You got up from where you were sitting to help them with the nets and the stray volleyballs scattered throughout the gym. You weren't a manager or anything; just a second year who liked to come watch their friend Akaashi Keiji play.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" You heard a voice call from behind you. Looking back, you saw it was their captain, Bokuto Koutarou. "How's my little kouhai doing?" He greeted, putting an arm around you. You were close with the owl captain, as you had been friends with each other since middle school.

"I'm doing fine, Bokuto-san. I see practice went well for you." You smiled, turning to face him.

"Yeah! Did you see Akaashi's sets today? They were better than usual!" Bokuto praised his setter, grinning widely.

"Yup, he was pretty cool..." You said, looking off behind Bokuto's head to see Akaashi folding  a net together by himself. You snapped your gaze back to Bokuto who was giving you a questioning look. "I-I mean, they were cool. Y'know. His sets." 

Bokuto turned his head to follow where your eyes went just a few seconds ago. Spotting the blackette, he turned back at you with a smirk on his face. "(Y/N)~" He sang. "You like good ol' Akaashi over there, don't you~" He leaned down with his face close to yours.

Flustered from the accusation, you leaned back, putting your hands in front of your face with a growing blush. "What? Me? Like Akaashi? No way!" You laughed nervously, hoping Bokuto wouldn't see through your lie.

"I always wondered why you suddenly started coming to volleyball practice more often without me asking you to. I always thought you just wanted to see me play!" Bokuto put his hands on his hips. "But now I see it's all just to see Akaashi."

"I-I'm sorry, Bokuto-san I-"

"Well then with that, I'll provide you with a little information that I picked up on his side!" Bokuto came in close to your ear and put a hand near the side of his mouth. "I have a feeling that Akaashi might just harbor feelings for you too!" He whispered.

He straightened back up and you gaped at him, trying to form words. "R-Really? How do you know that? Has he said anything about me?" You leaned in, eyes shining as you bombarded Bokuto with the sudden questions.

The third-year put a hand on your head, pushing you back slightly. "It's just a hunch, calm down," He explained, laughing at your excitement. "As your senpai, I shall help you! See, I already got a plan to get you two together~" He winked, grinning. Leaning in one more time, he whispered his plan to you.

"Serious? Thank you so much, Bokuto-san!"


'Ah yes, finally lunch time,' You pulled your bento out of your bag and placed it on your desk. 'You're going to be so good!' You licked your lips and started getting up to leave the classroom. Bokuto had invited you to eat lunch with him on the roof today.

"Hey, (L/N)-san? Do you mind if I borrow your math notes? I can't seem to find mine, and you're the only person in class who's always so prepared."

You were surprised to see Akaashi standing there in front of you, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "O-Oh, Akaashi-kun! Yeah sure, let me get it for you." You got your notebook containing all your math notes out and handed it to the blackette.

"Thank you so much," He thanked, bowing slightly. "Say, are you going anywhere for lunch, (L/N)-san?"

"Oh yeah, I was actually planning on going up to the roof today."

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