『Jealousy - Kageyama Tobio』

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"Is that who I think it is?"

"It is!"

"What could he be doing here?"

The gym was filled with the sounds of cheering, yells, squeaks, and volleyballs making contact with skin. Karasuno was playing a home game against one of the neighbor schools, and as the first year manager, it was up to you to help Shimizu with providing the boys support. You overheard a conversation between girls behind you, and you looked around to try and see who they were talking about.

"There he is, it's Oikawa Tooru!"

You looked at the gym entrance to see the named brunette standing there, posing for selfies and flirting with a group of girls. He looked over in your direction, and you made eye contact. You looked away real quick, but it was too late. He noticed you, and he was now ditching his fangirls to walk to where you sat, clutching your clipboard nervously.

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan~ How's your little team of crows doing?" He asked, sitting down next to you and putting his arm around your shoulder, causing you to flinch.

"O-Oh, hi there, Oikawa-san! As you can see, we're on our last set and a few points away from victory." You explained, motioning to the score board across from the both of you. You looked to Shimizu and pleaded for help with your eyes to get you out of the situation you were in with the third-year. Help me! you mouthed to her, but all she did was chuckle and shake her head.

You turned your attention back to the game, and so did Oikawa, his arm still around you. You caught the eye of the black haired setter Kageyama, and he had a second of shock on his face. In the same second, Kageyama turned his focus back to his game, setting up a ball that was quickly spiked by Hinata, earning them their final point, winning the game. You stood up quick and cheered on your school, managing to dislodge Oikawa's arm from your shoulder.

Kageyama came over to you, his face flushed and sweaty. "And that's another game won, (Y/N)," He smiled a little bit. "Oh, and I see you're here too, Oikawa-san."

"Hello, Tobio-chan." Oikawa forced a smile at the blackette.

"What are you doing with (Y/N)? She's our manager." Kageyama questioned, narrowing his eyes at the taller boy.

"I know, but she's just so pretty, y'know? I just can't help myself." Oikawa said, putting his face close t yours and smirking, eliciting a blush from you.

Kageyama scowled, and he pushed the third-year's face away with his hand. "Leave (Y/N) alone already. I'm sure she doesn't like you harassing her as much as I don't. And you have your other fangirls anyways."

"Hm, whatever Tobio-chan. I guess you just don't understand the difference with (Y/N)-chan," The brunette shrugged and began to walk off. "See you later, (Y/N)-chan~" He turned to wave at you one last time.

"Thanks, Kageyama-kun," You bowed slightly. "You didn't have to do that, y'know."

He blushed and looked to the side, avoiding eye contact with you. "N-No, it's okay. If I didn't, he would still be annoying you."

You laughed, and the blackette blushed even more. Hinata came up behind him and jumped on his back.

"Kageyama, let's go! We're celebrating with dinner!" The small boy exclaimed. He looked up and noticed you standing in front. "Oh, hi there, (Y/N)-chan! Is Kageyama trying to flirt with you?"

You felt your face heat up as Kageyama's turned a deeper shade of red, shaking Hinata off of him. "No I'm not, dumbass!" The blackette yelled at Hinata, and was dragged off by the orange-top.

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