Chapter Seventeen

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The trees whizzed past in a blur as the car picked up speed.

"Marcus, slow down! You'll get us all killed!" Amelia screamed.

Her husband's hands tightened on the wheel, but he lifted his foot from the gas pedal slightly. "We have to get away as soon as possible. They'll be looking for her. We can't risk it."

"Who, Daddy?" Lizzie asked, her blue eyes growing wide. "Are there monsters chasing us?"

Her mother turned to offer her a reassuring smile, but it was out of place on her pale face. Dark circles stuck out like a sore thumb under her eyes and her makeup left tear tracks down her cheeks. Her dirty blonde hair was hastily thrown into a bun, allowing several pieces to stick out in various directions. "Of course not, Sweetie. Don't worry."

"Why did we have to move away again?"

Amelia stole a glance at her husband, who hadn't removed his eyes from the road in front of them. "We just do, Baby. We're going to find a new place to live. It will be much nicer, okay?"


Lizzie turned to look a the old woman who seemed to constantly be standing by the car, no matter how fast it was moving. I don't want to move, Lily.

"I know, Child. But you must. You're no longer safe in your old home."

Why not?

"They don't understand your gift," replied the woman before she disappeared, leaving Lizzie to lean her head against the cold glass and drift off to sleep.

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