Chapter Five

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Lizzie awoke to the smell of something cooking. She sat up and stretched, then looked out her window. The sun was beginning to rise and stood out against the orange sky.

Swinging her feet over the edge of her bed, she stood up and made her way down the hall, then descended the stairs.

Amelia was humming quietly to herself while she flipped the meat in the skillet.

Lizzie saw a glass of water and an empty plate on the table in its usual spot. She silently made her way over and took her place.

Her mother smiled at her as she placed the food onto Lizzie's plate. "Good morning, Sweetheart. Eat up."

Lizzie picked up her fork and knife and sliced off a chunk of the meat before popping it into her mouth. She chewed slowly, finding it odd-as she did every morning- that her mother didn't eat anything. She turned to look at her mother, who was contently cleaning the stove and counter tops. "Mom?"

"Yes, Lizzie?"

"Aren't you hungry?"

Her mother stiffened, but only slightly. After a momentary pause, she said in a too cheerful voice, "No, I'm fine, Dear."

Lizzie didn't believe it, but she didn't press.

With a sigh, she returned to her meal.

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