Fixing The Mistakes

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Marceline refused to open the door, she had barricaded every entrance into her room. Even the tiny vent in the ceiling.

She sat in the middle of her room sulking, she spat venomous curses and hexes to Marshall's name all the while.

She had a day left, her kingdom had been destroyed long ago, she was a orphan who would be thrown out on the streets with no where to go. She used to have Simon Parikov; but evil crowns.

She could sense BMO's presence still emanating behind the door. At first she had pleaded and begged to be let in. But Marceline hadn't budged; her pleas falling on deaf ears, she must have pulled out her Nintendo DS and started playing outside her door silently.

Eventually BMO realised there was no point to continue banging on the door, Marceline wasn't going to come out. She began walking away, small tears escaping her eyes as she walked around aimlessly, Fionna had also barricaded herself in their dorm so she had nowhere to go. She was angry at Gunter and Peppermint but her sadness was temporarily pushed to the back of her mind, Fionna and Marceline needed her.

Suddenly she could hear footsteps coming closer and getting louder until someone grabbed her arm from behind, spinning her around...


Oh glob, this was the LAST person she wanted to see. Her eyes narrowed and she looked in disgust at the pale fingers tightly holding her upper arm.

"What do you want?" She spat out, refusing to look him in the eye.

"I'll let go just don't move." He replied in a hushed whisper. Why was he being so quiet? She made a noise of indignation but he hushed her. "I can't let Peppermint see us."

Although this ticked her off, she huffed and nodded, anything to get his hands off her. Flipping her green hair away from her face, she stared at the floor not speaking for a while before coming to a decision, he owed her an explanation.

"You have 5 minutes."

"Okay listen, the only reason I went with Peppermint is because she knows something important, believe it or not its going to help us once I get it out of her." He said quickly, probably afraid BMO would run away.

And she did exactly that, as if Peppermint would help her in any way? She turned back around to run off when his hand came around her wrist again but this time he pulled more forcefully so she crashed into his chest. Dazed she looked up.

"What the glob Gu-" but her words were cut off by his lips... Ok he's definitely crazy. But it was only for a second and when he pulled away, she could barely hear him over her beating heart. The anger, the hurt it was all still there but slightly drowned out by the sound of his voice.

"I like you, I'm doing this for you and don't you want to know why you feel human now?"

"Do not do that ever again." She glared in a desperate attempt to hide her blush but his words had caught her interest despite the fact she didn't believe him at all. Her turning human? Ludicrous.

"What do you mean?"

His eyes were hopeful as he spoke, "I have a plan. Will you listen?"

She rolled her eyes but listened.


"Fionna!" Flame Prince knocked on Fionna's door for a third time. She had been sulking all evening, but it was understandable, the guy who she was thought to be dating turned out to be gay.

"Leave me alone!" Replied an angry voice from the other side of the door.

"I need to talk yo you!" Flame persisted. "Its Marceline, she's being excluded, the head teacher thinks she's the reason Gumball had a nosebleed, and while its true, she blames Marceline solely for the wolf mayhem."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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