Adventuring with Gumball

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Fiona's POV

I woke to my alarm and turned over to switch it off, grateful it was Sunday and we had no school unfortunately, BMO who was already awake as usual, pulled me up and declared I had to get ready for a surprise. Reluctantly I dressed myself in a simple shirt and trousers with my favourite white hat. I glanced in the mirror to see the familiar stubborn lock of hair that refused to neatly sit in my hat. All ready, I then walked out the bathroom to see BMO bounding around like an over excited dog.

"BMO what happening?" I asked rather grumpily, still annoyed that she woke me up early.

Wordlessly she pushed me out the door and through the corridors to a room I didn't even know existed! The walls were a lavish purple and one side of the room was a clear glass window currently covered by a curtain the same shade of purple as the walls. In the centre of the room stood Gumball, I turned expectantly to look at BMO who ran away shutting the door leaving me alone with Gumball.

"Forgive me for the rash way of calling you but I couldn't help but miss you Flake." He said my nickname so nonchalantly, whenever he said it I could feel my heart die a little each time from happiness. He had a charming smile as he ran a hand through his perfectly styled pink quiff.

"Wha-at is this?" I asked.

"We won't be staying here, this is a spare room my mother will be turning into a bathhouse-esque type room. Though I requested a second swimming pool, but mother has other ideas." He spoke so carefully about his mother, giving her his highest respect. In a way, I was jealous of their close relationship. "But the reason I called you here is because, well you are like no other girl I know and I know you have a appetite for adventure so..."

I looked at him expectantly.

"I'm taking you on a adventure!"

Gumball ran a hand through his pink quiff again. I took his outstretched hand wondering what kind of adventure we were going on and how he managed to never, and I mean never, get in trouble.

He led me once again out the gates and through the candy forest and into a deeper part of the woods... The parts where venomous spiders and four eyed owls ruled... This is AWESOME! And that's exactly what I told him but he just grinned and squeezed my hand harder, I took out the sword I kept between my back and rucksack in order to slash away at the growing weeds and spikey bushes that came in our way.


A 3 legged Fox came bounding our way, toppling Gumball to the floor so our hands separated; I was on the creature in seconds. My sword glinting in the light as the Fox parried my blows with its abnormally long claws, my heart raced and finally I landed a long slash on the Fox's black fur coat. It turned to flee and I smiled in victory then picked up Gumball and we continued on our way, hands intertwined.

"Almost there Flake," Said Gumball now walking a little faster.

I nodded smiling this was fun.

Suddenly a four eyed owl swopped down to grab Gumball's bejewelled crown but I protected him with my sword, a resonating sound was produced when the owl's talons clashed against my sword.

I sensed another fight but Gumball pulled me away ruining my fun; I was about to complain until I saw the huge beast before me. It was dormant. Sleeping like a giant and unaware of its visitors.

"You like adventure so I brought you through the most dangerous woods and to a demon that's escaped the Nightosphere, normally I wouldn't worry about such things but the demon could get into Candy Kingdom... I need you to defeat the beast." He told me with a serious expression on his face.

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