Aftermaths of the Date

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BMO's Point of View

When I woke, Fionna was laying in bed, she had draped Marceline's dress over the back of the chair and her shoes were lying on their side right in the way. She must have been exhausted, and quickly dived into bed.

Thankfully it was the weekend, so I decided to stay in bed until late afternoon. Fionna eventually got up and we began discussing what happened. I invited Marceline, who was also half alseep from being nocturnal. We got Fionna to tell us every single detail, causing us to squeal in delight. Marceline must have been acting, as it almost seemed she was genuinely happy for them.

Marceline's Point of View

In my secret room, behind my clothes rack, was a bulletin board in which I pieced together all my detective work. Sherlock Holmes, would be proud, after all; if anyone had a case, they would come straight to me! My board was titled 'Gumball' that name was enough to make me physically vomit.

In one corner, I had various pictures of Gumball kissing different girls with the date and time signature stamped in the bottom right corner of each one.

Then I had testimonies from various girls he dated, along with the times he broke up with them and what days he used to see them.

I began pinning up the evidence I had acquired today whilst he was out on his little date with Fionna's. I had managed to snag his diary and scheduler, and it had confirmed my suspicions. He was trying to avoid me. He had an entire diary entry rant about how annoying I was, and how he wished I would be nocturnal in my room like Marshall. Instead, every evening, I would sit on one of the tallest branches of my favourite tree that was a couple of yards away from my window. I wasn't very hidden but it had the clearest view of the cliff that over-look a tremendous ocean.

As such, I noticed every female Gumball ensnared into a relationship. Not that it was secret, even the birds talk about it. I looked back at the board, it appeared that Gumball had actually stopped seeing every single girl since meeting Fionna. He must still be going out with someone else at night I suggested, after all he started changing his schedule to avoid me.
However, my talk with Monochromicorn seemed to disprove that as Gumball supposedly met up with him. That could also be a front though, as they are good friends who would probably lie for each other.

I read through his diary, he was pretty thorough at depicting every single detail about his life. As vain as they came, the description of his different hairstyles (though they all looked the same to me) and what he looked like each morning were easily the longest paragraphs.

He appeared to have pet names for everyone which made me want to retch up my insides. I managed to guess who most of them were, Marshall's was pretty cute, Marshmallow, Flame was called Lemonade, Guther was Gummy and Fionna was Flake. There was a final name but I couldn't understand this one. At first I thought it was Peppermint as the name was 'Sugar Cane', but the mentioning of Sugar Cane dated way before school had even restarted.

I needed to get to the bottom of who this 'Sugar Cane' was. Whoever it was, seemed to 'capture his heart'. I stopped, scanning over the pages, re-reading the descriptions. My heart lurched. Whoever it was, Gumball had a deep infatuation for them. The way he wrote just seemed to scream it.

Something began stirring in the pit of my stomach, something about this seemed very, very wrong. I frantically glanced over all the evidence laid out before me. Suddenly it clicked. What Fionna had described on their date...


Fionas Point of View

The date had been so fun and after BMO and Marceline pried every detail from me I was allowed to finally go have a shower. The hot water felt to so good and when I was done I felt refreshed and awake!

Now to go to lesson, that immediately deflated my mood seeing as I missed first period because of the shower and BMO had ditched me... Marceline probably didn't even go she seemed 'busy' when I walked past her dorm hearing the frantic rustle of papers.

Luckily I was just in time for Maths... Maths is radical! I would never admit I kind of suck at it but my failing ability was clearly showing today.

"Fionna, whats the answer to question 4?" The teacher directed to me.

"Um... four?" I replied, looking at the board confused.

"Its 23.04x." Piped up none other than my adorable boyfriend.

"That's right Gumball, please help Fionna." The teacher said beaming at him.

He sat beside me and began explaining but I was soon lost in the smell of his cologne, bubblegum and mint.

"Fionna... Fionna are you even listening to me?" He asked sounding agitated.

"Uh what?" I looked down guilty... I hadn't heard a word.

"It's alright, I'll explain again Flake." He said, mockingly tapping his ruler against my forehead.

I looked up into his pale pink eyes, he slid an arm around my waist pulling me closer despite us sitting on different chairs. His other hand came under my chin and our lips brushed lightly then... BANG.

The teacher banged her book down glaring at me. "That is not appropriate Miss Fionna!" She said accusingly. what? Gumball was kissing me too! I huffed in a silent rage.

When the bell rang I rushed out and Gumball being the sweetheart he is started apologising profusely until I shut him up with a proper kiss; his hand went to the back of my head kissing me deeper as I began feeling faint he pulled away.

"Wow." I replied breathlessly smiling at him and he nodded back weakly.

We went our separate ways, not before he promised to make sure I didn't get in trouble for missing first lesson... Perks of being the headteacher's son's girlfriend!

I soon found BMO walking around alone looking lost so I went back to dorm with her, Flambo rushed up to her happily and I hugged Cake then BMO and Flambo joined the hug too.

We all pulled apart then BMO fell in her bed chuckling and we talked a little about how hard our lessons were then the talk came to the Ball. Yes our school was holding a ball but...

"Has Gumball asked you yet?!" BMO asked more excited than I was at the idea.

I shook my head sadly and she shrugged. "It's still ages away! Don't worry, he will."

I smiled at her positive attitude. "Who are you going with?"

She smirked, "The best person ever."

"Who?" My eyes widened in surprise.


I chucked a pillow at her for getting me excited and we burst out laughing. Unfortunately the bell had to ruin our fun and I dragged BMO up to go to the next lesson.

My next lesson was The History of the Candy Kingdom and I slept through most of the lesson, only jolting awake when it was time to go to lunch! My favorite time of the day: eating!

Rushing to the canteen I grabbed a chocolate cake and quickly paid before taking a seat by Marceline and Flame Princess who were amongst the rest of the group.

The talk was all about the Ball and I couldn't help feeling slightly left out... when was Gumball going to ask me?

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