No Time For Practise

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It was the next day, and I found myself being woken up by my alarm clock, aka BMO, at 9 o'clock in the morning. This time, instead of her mechanical yawn, I was woken up by her shaking me. "Fionna! You need to wake up quickly! Gumball just came by to tell you that your voice is needed immediately in the grand hall."

"Wha?" I spoke half asleep, as my mind tried to figure what she was saying.

"Apparently, an important guest is coming, the Headmaster asked Heroes to perform the new song, 'Good Little Girl, Bad Little Boy'. They need you to get ready now!"

She practically shoved me into the bathroom to have a shower and brush my teeth. At least I'd get some practise in the shower - what can I say, it has great acoustics. Suddenly it hit me: I had yet to practise with the actual band. Marceline of course was able to play it properly as she was the one who conducted it, however, I had no idea if the band played just as well.

Nonetheless I rushed out of dorm grabbing my backpack which was newly decorated with the keyring Marceline gave me yesterday.

Once I reached the hall my mouth dropped... The hall was decorated with gold, black and sliver streams of ribbon. The curtain on the stage had been let down.

"Hi Fionna!" Said Flame Prince, waving at me, I waved back and walked over to the band who were setting up on the stage.

"So when's the 'special guest' coming and who is it?" I asked him.

"Queen Mint and King Pepper are visiting to see if the school is adequate for their daughter 'Peppermint' to come study in," explained Marshall walking up to me.

Gunther was sitting by his drums playing random beats and Marceline hovered beside with a disapproving look on her face.

"Oh Gunther's annoying Marcey by not practising, although we don't actually have any time, the guests are coming in a hour and we still have to eat and finish setting up," said Flame Prince, only to be scolded by Marceline for calling her 'Marcey' and getting distracted by talking to me.

"What's up with all this fuss though?" I asked raising a eyebrow.

"Queen Mint and King Pepper are from a very high up kingdom, by allowing their daughter to study here the school's reputation will improve, not to mention the money they would give to help the school become even better for their precious daughter," replied Gumball coming up from behind me to wrap me in a sudden hug.

I flushed and squirmed out of his grasp. "Let's go eat breakfast," I said, trying not to stare at Gumballs who was looking incredibly cute in his stylish outfit, for a guy he has a lot of fashion sense.

"Agreed. I'm starving," Flame Prince said walking out the hall towards the canteen as we all followed.

BMO's Point of View

I woke up dizzy and confused.
"What on earth?" I mumbled to myself then gave a small shriek when I saw the time. "Peppermint must already be here!"

I scrambled out bed, I couldn't believe I'd fallen back asleep after waking Fionna. It's as if I had to charge a battery, which makes me sound even less human.

I dressed in a knee length black slightly puffy skirt and green jumper, the collar from my white blouse peeking out. I wanted to look smart for the guests.

I peeked around the hall door relived to see the band hadn't performed yet, they all stood on stage talking to each other while Marceline hovered around them.

Above the entrance to the hall, in the regal VIP viewing both was the Head Mistress, Gumball's mother, sat talking to a male and female with black irises and long bright red hair... They looked terrifying to me. The female, Queen Mint I assume wore a expensive looking white and gold dress and her husband a suit of the same colours.

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