Unexpected Surprises

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Marceline's Point of View

I was messing around with my guitar in my normal tree spot. I was approached by Monochromicorn who sat on a nearby branch.

"Evening my lady. The setting sun is rather beautiful is it not?" He spoke memorised. I followed his gaze to the sky, smiling pleasantly, it was indeed a beautiful mesh of colours melding in the sky, ranging from the dark blue starry sky to pink to lilac to orange to yellow.

He looked at my expression and chuckled. "I know a restaurant that has a glass ceiling, dedicated to eating under the stars. Would you perhaps like to accompany me?"

I continued sceptically. "What happened to your latest datee, Lumpy Space Princess I believe?"

"Ah! Well, the waiter accidentally spilt our meal over her dress. I suppose my calmness of the situation made her angry and she decided upon never speaking to me again."

My ears pricked up. Fionna had described the same incident occurring in her date with Gumball. I could divulge more information from him!

"In that case, I will happily oblige your request."

"Wonderful, I shall pick you up durning the evening. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to freshen up. You of course look ravishing already!" He smiled pleasantly, bowed and excused himself.

I sighed, he was such a charming gentleman.

As I also had to get ready, I decided to leave. It was only then I realised the nagging feeling that someone had observed us the whole time...

I decided to ignore that feeling and headed back to my room. A shadow blocked my view.

"You're heading back late Marce, are you not going to hunt?"

I groaned. "My name is Marceline, honestly Marshall-Lee, we have similar names!" I turned to stare at him blankly.

He deadpanned what I said and aggressively looked into my eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" I then asked with genuine concern as his facial expression seemed so down.

"You tell me Princess, who am I mad at?" It was odd that he was calling me Princess.

"Gumball." I almost immediately answered. His expression dropped further... Did I get it wrong?

"Wrong Princess..." He gave a mock bow. Was he mimicking Monochromicon?

He sighed and walked off, I didn't stop him, he was being such a child!


I hurriedly strode down the boy's dorm, their eyes followed me as my long flowing hair whispered around in my hurried strides. 'Yes peasant I'm beautiful' I smirked, seeing Marshall's eyes practically pop out his head.

I was dressed in a signature red silk dress that trailed to the floor, it was accented with a a thin scarf that draped over my left shoulder, the trim sparkled with sliver jewels delicately placed on the top which glinted in the moonlight, elegant to a 't'.

As I lifted my hand to knock on Monochromicorn's door it opened, revealing an equally elegantly dressed unicorn, he wore a white shirt with a blazer but accompanied by skinny jeans; the unusual mix of casual actually suited him.

"One second." He whispered.

He brandished a single rose. "Starters?" His lips parted to a shining grin. I plucked the rose from his hands and held the blood red rose close to my lips, piercing it with my fangs, I drank the colour, it tasted satisfactory; not as fulfilling as a blood pack. I tossed aside the now wilted pale flower, Monochromicon stared at me with fascination all the while. He then took my right hand with a smile and led me out the dorms. My hand in his felt foreign but I chose to ignore the feeling for the sake of needing information so I let it be.

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