Chapter 1: Offered A Chance

Start from the beginning

"Luke? What the hell are you doing?" I pulled away from him, even though all I really wanted was to relax in his promising arms.

For a moment he looked hurt. "But we're both so unhappy. We can be happy together now." Luke sounded like a caveman seeing food for the first time in 5 years.

I closed my eyes for a moment, realizing what I had to do. The same thing he did, cause a fight to prevent further heartbreak.

"I left you for a reason, and Ashton's still dead. Plus, who says I'm unhappy?"

He held my hand. "How can you be happy, all alone?"

God, I hated being mean. I really did. "Its better than being abused by you." Is it though?

His eyes drooped. "Love, I miss you and I know you miss me." Why wasn't he fighting back?

"I don't miss you." I meant to sound confident, but my voice came out as a whisper. I missed him more than anything.

"Damnit Emerald. What do you have holding you down? I'll do anything" Frustration started to show on his face.

"I have Nick." I hated picking fights with Luke, but I had to.

"You haven't broken up with him yet?" Luke blinked blindly.

I decide to hint at my marriage, without actually admitting it. "No, I haven't gotten a DIVORCE with Nick. I mean I don't leave people unless they do something really bad. But anyway, my shifts over and I have to go." I felt my insides melt of guilt when I saw Luke frown, realizing I was talking about him killing my best friend.


Luke's POV

"Emerald, wait." 5 years ago I probably would have said something meaner to counter her statement, but losing her has changed me.

I understood her hint. She's married to Nick while I'm alone and depressed. I started to wonder if he hits her. How can she live with herself, being in two abusive relationships?

Its days like this when I realize it should have been me in Ashton's coffin. Then Emerald would be happy and I would be happy watching Emerald be happy from the afterlife, if that even exists.

Her eyes welled up but we both ignored them. "Luke leave me alone, please. I'm happy like this." The last sentence sounded more like she was talking to her self, more like lying to herself.

"You married Nick." I explained. She nodded as if I just told her 2+2 is 4 and rushed out of the pharmacy.

I know, I should leave her alone, but I can't. I can't watch her leave my life again.

So I followed her back to her house.

In complete honesty, she had to be just as unhappy as I am whether she admits it or not, right?


Emerald's POV

I went back to my apartment, which is a 10 minute walk from work.

My legs burned from working for so long, but I tried to ignore them.

I thought about Luke. He was different now. He was no longer the self obsessed, money driven monster I once dated. And it was obvious. I realized, having his life crumble down in minutes because of one mistake must have taken a toll on him.

I suddenly felt guilt for ruining his life.

The key unclicked and I entered my apartment to be greeted by my husband.

Nick smiled at me. "Hey, princess." He patted his stomach. "Food." His tall figure was half laying, half sitting on the sofa. Is that all I am to him, a chef?

"But I'm tired." And I was. The white couch was calling my name.

"Princess." His words were soft but his voice was warning.

From analyzing my relationship with Luke, I realized that it was all my fault. If I had just obeyed him that one day, I wouldn't be here right now. And so, like a small child, I learned from my mistakes. The minute Nick wants something, I fetch it for him like a dog. And it has paid off. I can't even remember the last time we fought.

I sighed, walking to the kitchen. I smiled sadly as I took two slices of bread. Ashton used to love bread. I remember back in eighth grade, making different sandwiches everyday to attract his attention. I'll never forget him saying how much he loved them, regardless of how bad of a chef I was.

My day dream was cut short by Nick screaming my name. "Emerald. Door."

I placed the sandwich on the coffee table and walked to the door. .


Luke's POV

Her door was really small for such a grand apartment. Number 23, floor 2. I tried to imagine what she was doing right now. Hiding from Nick or kissing him?

The door opened and I was greeted by a small child.

"Who're you?" She looked exaclty like Emerald, her tanned indian skin, and her small nose except with Nick's piercing green eyes. I always thought that that combination would look weird but it was beautiful, like I couldn't stop staring at her. And that's when I realized, Oh, shit thats my girlfriend's daughter.


Lol, how was that ending?

What do you think about Emerald being married to Nick though?


- Neke


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