Chapter 21

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Clearlight's P.O.V:

"Hey, Clearlight? We need to meet in the forest... With Waterfly." Meowed Skyheart, urgently nudging him. He had just come back from the border patrol and he had just fallen asleep.

"Ok ok I'm up!" he hissed as he plodded out of the den and spotted Waterfly waiting by the shrivelled up thorn barrier where the entrance tunnel was.

"Come on! Let's go!" called Waterfly as she stood up and padded to the entrance. No other cat was in camp, they were all resting whilst the cold snow fell from the grey clouds and onto the dusty ground.

Clearlight shivered and fluffed up his fur, it was the first day of Leaf-bare and it was snowing already. "Where are we going?" he asked sleepily.

"To the training hollow silly! Where else would we practice our powers?" Skyheart mused.

Our powers? Clearlight thought to himself as he trudged out side and followed his fellow prophesied cats. He gasped as he remembered his dream. "What's your powes?" he asked the two she cats ahead of him.

"We'll tell you when we get there!" meowed Skyheart as she turned her head round to stare at Clearlight "Come next to us! You look cold" Clearlight grunted as he brushed his fur with Skyheart's. He still wasn't sure if Skyheart stilled loved him and he was starting to think not.

He sighed as they entered the training hollow. "Let's begin" he meowed.


Skyheart's P.O.V:

Skyheart couldn't wait to show them her power! She could control earth. She could wrap vines around her enemies and squeeze them till they begged for mercy!

"Ok, we begin with Skyheart since she is the main cat here" Meowed Waterfly as she sat down and waved her tail at Skyheart.

She took a deep breath and concentrated hard. Skyheart pictured a leaf the size of a cat and when she opened her eyes, a cat-sized leaf was floating in front of her!

Skyheart stared at a tree and waved her paws in circles. The leaf flew towards the tree and wrapped its self around the bark tightly.

Smiling, Skyheart blinked and the huge leaf disappeared. "Your turn" she nodded at Clearlight who stood in his space, not at all impressed.

Isn't he proud his mate can do something so powerful? Skyheart thought sadly. She guessed Clearlight didn't think of her as his mate anymore... Skyheart frowned as Clearlight started concentrating for his power.

Skyheart waited intently as Clearlight started to change shape as size. 'What is he doing?' thought Skyheart as Clearlight shrunk and his fur turned from grey to light brown. Waterfly gasped and meowed in delight as Clearlight's tail shrunk and the fur along it fluffed up. He was turning into a squirrel.

Easily forgetting that Clearlight didn't love her anymore, Skyheart rushed towards the 'squirrel' and licked him all over. "Wow!!" she purred and nuzzled him.

The 'squirrel' backed away and made a shriek of annoyance. Then his shape changed and he was back to being a cat again. "Go away!" he hissed, his fur fluffing up to twice its size.

Waterfly immediately stood between them and broke them apart. "You haven't seen my power yet!" meowed the medicine cat changing the subject.

Waterfly lifted her paws up and closed her eyes. Skyheart narrowed her eyes as nothing happened. Then, a small ball of water appeared above Waterfly's head. She then opened her eyes and pointed her paws at a nearby dead flower. The water followed her paws and shot at the flower, immediately, as the water hit the darkened flower, the plant exploded Into light and when the water disappeared, the plant was new and green.

"Wow!" exclaimed Skyheart who was in pure awe.

Clearlight grinned.

"We will keep practicing till sunhigh when Fluffypaw and Jumpingstar will arrive here to train." Meowed Waterfly, her long thick tail swishing in the air.


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