Chapter 20

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Waterfly's P.O.V:

Waterfly woke up in a dream. Mist hung in the air and Waterfly backed away. "Where am I?" she murmured.

A black cat with neon blue eyes stepped out from the mist and showed his teeth. They were stained with blood.

Waterfly gasped and unsheathed her claws incase the cat attacked her. She growled and tried to look intimidating but she was shaking in fear as the cat advanced on her.

The tom raked his claws down Waterfly's cheek and she reared back in surprise, trying to dodge his next blow.

"Who are you?!" shrieked Waterfly as the tom pinned her down and lay a claw in her neck, not cutting through the skin yet.

"You don't know me?" He sneered. "I'm not surprised."

She closed her eyes shut and prayed to Starclan for this nightmare to end.

"My name, if you must know, is Bonewhisper!" He growled and sunk his teeth deep into Waterfly's chest, deliberately missing her throat.

Suddenly a flash if sparks and silver mist illuminated the clearing and the tom vanished, leaving Waterfly on the ground alone and slowly dying of blood loss. "Help!" she yelped as pain seized her.

A cat with hazel eyes and a silver pelt appeared next to her and healed Waterfly's wounds. "Wha-" Waterfly went silent as the cat stood up and gracefully floated in front of Waterfly.

"It is time you learned your power, Waterfly" meowed the Starclan cat. "Waterfly, your power is to be able so summon water. You control it with your paws. For example" The silver she cat raised her paws and concentrated hard, then some water appeared above her head. She pointed her paws at a nearby dead bush and the water followed her paws and splashed into the bush, making it become green and healthy. "You are the most powerful cat in the prophecy because you can bring light back even in the darkest moment. You can force any dark powers back to the Dark Forest by surrounding them by your water. Use your powers well and wisely." Mewed the she cat. "And farewell on your quest"

"What quest?" meowed Waterfly but the cat was already gone and Waterfly was awake in her nest in the medicine den. "Oh well, I guess I'll find out soon."


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