Chapter 19

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This chapter is edited


Skyheart's POV:

Skyheart awoke in a dream.

"Hello?" She called into the emptiness. "Anyone?"

A blue-grey she cat emerged from the darkness, her blue eyes shimmering. "Skyheart." She smiled slightly.

Skyheart stopped breathing, her eyes widening. "Waterpaw!" She gasped, rushing to her kit. "You're here!"

"I am." She chuckled softly. "I am.. But I can't stay long. I need to tell you something."

"Yes? What is it?" Skyheart stepped back to look at her kit.

"You have powers. Earth powers. You are one of the four elementals." Waterpaw mewed. "Train hard, as there is a battle on the way."


Skyheart woke in her nest with a gasp, sitting up and looking around. Earth powers? What nonsense.

Lifting herself out of her nest, the white she cat called for the dawn patrol and hurried out of camp, shoving the memories of the dream to the dark corners of her mind.


Clearlight's POV:

Clearlight woke up in Starclan. A white she cat sat before him, her faded pelt glimmering softly in the dim lighting around them.

"Hello Clearlight. I am here to tell you your power." She smiled at him, her green eyes reminding him of Skyheart.

"Lightstar?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Yes it's me." The Lightclan founder chuckled and murmured "Clearlight, you can take on any form of any animal you know of."

"Cool!" Clearlight grinned.

Frowning, Lightstar continued "But, you may lose control. So be careful."

He nodded, only half paying attention. "How do I do it?"

"You'll know."


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now