Chapter 5

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Skyheart's POV:

One moon had gone past.

Greenstare's 'curse' had not yet been fixed and the green gazed she cat was slipping into 'depression' as the days went by. Skyheart was still suspicious about Greenstare but she chose not to question the senior warrior.

Skyheart's kits were doing really well in their training and Skyheart and Clearlight were as happy as ever together. They regularly went on hunting patrols together and spent time alone in the forest. Monsterclan and Magiclan had stayed on their side of the border and Lightclan was doing quite well, generally.
Whitepaw ran up to Skyheart as she groomed Clearlight's pelt clean. "Can you come watch us train tomorrow? Wildstar promised me we would do battle training in the morning!" Wildstar was Whitepaw's mentor. It was unusual for a clan leader to mentor an apprentice but it had happened before. In Monsterclan, their leader Darkstar had mentored his own son. Unfortunately Icepaw, his son, had died from green cough three moons ago.

"Of course we can both see you train! Is anyone else going to be with you?"

Whitepaw replied, "No, only me!"

Skyheart nodded and continued eating her mouse with Clearlight.


Whitepaw's POV:

Whitepaw could not contain his excitement, he was about to leave to train and was waiting for Wildstar to arrive back from a border patrol near the Magiclan border.

After some time, Whitepaw scented Wildstar coming back but could also the scent of blood.

Whitepaw streaked off in the direction of the blood scent. He finally found Wildstar's patrol trudging through the undergrowth with a limp figure on their backs. "I'm so sorry Whitepaw..." meowed Wildstar, his leader's eyes glazed with grief.

Whitepaw gasped in shock as he realised who it was.


Skyheart's POV:

Skyheart had waited a while for Whitepaw to return. He had run off before Skyheart could even call his name. The scent of blood hit her nose. A few seconds later, Whitepaw padded in with a limp cat on his back.

"No!" Skyheart wailed at the sight.

The clan gathered around Whitepaw but Skyheart couldn't even move. After a few moments she blacked out from pure shock.


Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now