If I Met... Justin Bieber

Start from the beginning

"I don't know."


"I just want to talk to him!"

"Then why is he knocked out?"


"Because what!"

Cara gasped suddenly. "He's waking up!" she said and dropped the rope, she took a frying pan and hit the back of his head.

He isn't gonna wake up anytime soon.

"Cara!" I yelled again. She ignored me and grabbed the rope from my hand and finished tying him up, while I stared in shock.

"Look, I'm just gonna-"

"What's going on here?" Both of out heads snapped to Justin who had somehow woken up again, and I'm pretty sure he didn't like the fact that he was kidnapped.

"I'll let you go as soon as you promise to marry me," she said.

He started wiggling around trying to get out of the ropes, but Car had tied it tight, there was no way he could get out of them.

"How did you tie these things?" he said when he finally gave up. Cara shrugged as if it was nothing, the a look of confrusion passed across her face.

"Aren't you supposed to be on a World Tour?" she asked.Then she looked suprised. "You aren't the real Justin Beiber!"

He shook his head. "I am the real Justin Bieber. At the concert is a look-a-like who's lip singing," he explained. "I was getting tired of the fame."

Cara made a long gasp. "Justin." she said with a hand on her heart. "How could you? Your fans love you and you want to give that all up!" He tried to say some thing but Cara didn't let him.

"Oh, but you still have to marry me."

Some Years Later

"Where are we going?" I asked. Cara is dragging me to some 'big event' that I don't really want to go to and she won't even tell me what it is.

"You'll see,"

We arrived at a church building and when we stepped inside, it looked like a wedding was taking place.


"Do you see who the man is?" she whispered to me and pointed at the groom of the wedding. I shook me head no in response.

"First name starts with J, last name started with B," she hinted.

"Umm," I said, still confused.

"Justin Bieber," she said in a way that made me feel like I was stupid. I'm not stupid.

"Wow, I didn't even recognize him," I said surprised. Justin Bieber is gone. He stopped making music awhile back, but it was still way after our encounter.

But then Cara did something unimaginable.

When no one except for the priest was talking, Cara had to break the silence. She4 had to say something, no, sing something.

"That should be me, holding your hand," she started. My eyes widened. What is she doing? We could get kicked out for this and that would be so embarrassing!

"Cara! Stop it! Let Justin have a peaceful wedding," I scolded her. She stuck her tongue out at me but she stopped singing. Thankfully.

We continued to watch the ceremony- we didn't want to leave, It's Justin Bieber's wedding- but when the priest said 'you may kiss the ride' Cara started singing again.

"I can be your baby, baby, baby, oh!" she sang. "Please love me, love me, say that you love me" she said switching songs.

"Cara stop it!" By now people were starting to look in our direction, some with mean eyes and some snickering. Cara turned around to run, but bumped into a wall on the way out.

Oh Cara.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the building with Justin Bieber and family yelling profanities-tsk tsk in the house of the Lord- at us on the way out.


Wasn't this one funny?

Can anyone tell me where I got the frying pan idea from? Or the that should be me idea?

Come on, you all know... anyways I'm adding a bonus to this one take a look


*Cara comes in the room while I'm typing the story*

"What're you doing?" she asks then reads the story. "Why didn't I marry him!" she yells when she's done.


"This isn't right," she says then grabs the keyboard and starts typing. I try to take it away from her but she won't let me and I eventually give up. When she's done she saves it and gives it to me to read:

Some years Later...

Cara and Justin Bieber lived happily ever after in a comfortable house with a white picket fence. They have one child, a boy, and twins on the way. Justin loves Cara very much and Justin was always a superstar and everyone always loved him.

                                                                              THE END


So that was the bonus, see you next time with If I Met... Ryan Higa/ Nigahiga

bye guys!

UPDATE: I looked it up and I spelled Bieber wrong so I had to go back and change every one of the ways I spelled beiber!!!! Why couldn't he just have a normal last name... like smith or something. o.O.

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