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Frostbite glared at Sam, Tucker and Jazz. Why did they have to come? Didn't he tell them to stay in the waiting room? "I thought I told you to stay put?" Tucker, Sam and Jazz flinched. "Yeah, sorry." He started, not meeting the ghosts' gaze. "We heard banging."

"And we want to help." Sam said, looking over and meeting Danny's gaze. Why couldn't Frostbite just up and fix him already? She missed her friend! She didn't want this, none of it!
"-And I don't want you or the Great One, getting hurt." Frostbite said, looking at the three teens with a stern look. Sam sighed and gave Danny one last look before she nodded.

"Okay, we'll go. But as soon as you're done, tell us." Sam said, walking out. Jazz and Tucker looked at each other then at Danny and left. Frostbite sighed, glad he could get this done...

"Danny, do you realize what you're becoming?" Frostbite said, walking over to the glass. "You've saved lives and proved to people that not all ghost are bad."

Danny looked up and glared at Frostbite, eyes glowing a vivid green. "But now?" He scoffed, crossing his arms and glaring at the teen. "I only see a monster."

Danny looked at Frostbite with shock, eyes slowly returning to there natural green. Was he really saying this? Danny thought. "People change, Frostbite!" Danny mouthed, wishing he could smack that grin off his face.

"Yes, people do change. But you're change isn't good. You're becoming what you dreaded since you've beat him." Frostbite said, watching as Danny lowered his gaze to the floor.

Danny just stood there a moment, not really sure what to. Was he really becoming him? The one he promised to never become? Danny clenched his hands into fits, looking at Frostbite with a small glare.

"How do you know I'm becoming him?"

"You killed you're father."

"So?" He sniffed.

"So? So?! Danny, you're the one who stopped bad guys. Came to Hell and back and watched as people called you a lier. But you know what you did? You kept going. You could have became evil like every one said you would but you didn't. You ware heroic and never let the little things like him get to you. And you sit there and say 'so'?"

By this point, Danny had tears streaming down his face. He was right. He was becoming him. And yet, people still trusted him. Danny backed into the wall, sliding into a sitting position and hugging his legs close to his chest.

Frostbite sighed, watching as Danny had an internal battle with himself. "I know you better then this, Grate one. And I know you'll make the right choice." Frostbite said, watching as Danny hugged his legs tighter, his shoulders shaking even more.

Frostbite nodded and walked out the door, shutting it and sighed. That had to be the hardest thing ever.

Sam, Jazz and Tucker got up and ran over to Frostbite. Watching as he looked at them sadly. "Did it work?" Jazz said, hope and dread filling her eyes.

"It was heard." He started, a sad smile spreading across his face. "But I think I got threw to him."
Okay, how was that? Good? Bad? Gad? Okay, now I'm just making up words...

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