Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning


Back at the hotel, DJ sat on the bed with her legs crossed, her arms on her knees, and her head hung low. She could feel herself shaking from just being on the island. Pulling out her phone, she sent a text to Zak who was down getting food for the two of them to hurry up because she was feeling nervous and scared. Billy came up to bring her down to join them. She walked into the lobby and found Zak sitting at a table.

"What's wrong?" Zak asked as DJ sat down next to him.

"I can't stop shaking." DJ replied as she showed Zak the goosebumps on her arm.

"Did something follow you?"

"No, this is just flat out fear I'm feeling. After what happened to me last time, I never got over it." Zak grasped DJ's hand in his and kissed the back of her hand.

"I promise that I'll stay close to you this time. The guys and I agreed that the only reason that had happened was because you were the probably the first woman that they've seen even as ghosts and that you were alone."

"If you don't want to do this, you don't have to."

"No, this time is about me and what I went through. Just as long as Father Ashcraft is there in case it happens again."

"We'll do everything to make sure it doesn't happen again. It did scare the hell out of me seeing you like that."


In the hotel room, Zak was sleeping on his side while DJ laid awake. Her mind kept playing tricks on her and she kept seeing shadows. DJ flipped onto her side and scooted as close to Zak's stomach as she could get and threw his arm over her, gripping his bicep. Zak adjusted in his sleep and threw his leg over her legs which seemed to help her. Eventually, DJ was able to go to sleep since tomorrow they would be attempting to do a second investigation and call out the spirits that attached to and possessed DJ and then afterwards, they would do a follow up interview sessions with DJ, Father Ashcraft, and Sherri to see if DJ was the same or different at the end of the investigation.


Sitting down in the lobby getting breakfast before they started, DJ still felt a little bit of fear, but she was starting to calm down knowing she couldn't show fear. Zak handed DJ the bottle of Mountain Dew that he had gotten from the pop machine. Mountain Dew almost always helped her keep her nerves calm and helped her hunt.

"Are you better after last night?" Zak asked as he sat down next to her.

"How'd you know what happened?" DJ asked in response.

"I was half asleep when you tried to push me off the bed."

"I'm okay, I just kept seeing things and it scared me."

"You're freaking yourself out. You just have to calm down and try to get over the fear."

"Why don't you get possessed by different spirits at once and then try to get over the fear." DJ didn't mean to snap but Alcatraz really scared her. Zak put his arm around her shoulder, and she leaned against him.

"I'm sorry." DJ said and put her arm around Zak's stomach.


They arrived at Alcatraz and DJ took another drink of the Mountain Dew that she still had.

"How did this get here?" DJ heard Aaron ask. She turned around and fell on the ground when she saw Aaron holding a puppet in his hands. Zak shot around upon hearing the thud and saw DJ lying on her back with her arm over her eyes. "Sorry, DJ." She gave him the middle finger as she tried to catch her breath.

"If there are more mysterious puppets here, I'm going lose it." DJ replied as she sat up rubbed her face. "I hate those fucking things." Billy held out his hand and helped DJ up and she wiped the dirt off her butt.

"I didn't mean to do that." Aaron said as walked up beside her. DJ snatched the puppet out of Aaron's hand. She made a disgusted noise and dropped the puppet before jumping on Aaron's back. Zak turned around to see DJ clinging to Aaron.

"What did you do this time?" Zak asked as Aaron laughed.

"I didn't do anything, she took the puppet from me and then dropped it then jumped on me." DJ finally put her feet down.

"Are you sure okay?" Zak asked as DJ stood in her spot.

"I'm fine." DJ replied as she kicked the puppet away. Suddenly, she winced and nearly fell but Billy had been there to catch her.

"What happened?" Zak asked as he walked over to her as Billy helped her up.

"It's already starting." DJ replied feeling the severe pain in the back of her right leg.

"Jay, grab a camera." Zak said to Jay had just put a case down. He quickly grabbed a camera and walked over to Zak. "Right now, we've just arrived at Alcatraz and we're getting ready to set up for lockdown and whoever or whatever is here is already making itself known. DJ, tell us what just happened?"

"Aaron found a puppet, and everybody knows they petrify me. I dropped it and then kicked about two feet in front of me and felt a very hard kick to the back of my right leg causing my leg to buckle which caused me to fall." DJ said as she winched again feeling the pain intensify. "Is there a bruise?" DJ turned her leg towards the camera and pulled up the back of her paint leg. This revealed not only a big bruise the shape of the front of a boot as well as a cut that was bleeding.

"Whoa, whatever that was cut your leg." Aaron said causing DJ to look at him.

"How bad?" DJ asked as Zak squatted down to look at it. He used some gauze from the first aid kit. He was able to wipe the blood away.

"It's not deep, just a scratch." Zak said as he stopped the slight bleeding. "They know she's here."

"Well, that's comforting." DJ said as she rolled her pant leg back down.

Living With Ghost (Zak Bagans) #1Where stories live. Discover now