[ I ] Blueberry Vanilla

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((  set in winter 2015  ))


Wednesday / Dec 10th
04 : 45 pm

Kling~ Kling~

The door bell rang as a guy with brownish blonde came in to the parlor.

"Good evening! What do you like to order sir?"

An employee greeted him warmly with a big smile on her face. She's wearing a black t-shirt covered by a red maroon apron with 'Meanie Ice Cream' pin on the left corner up to her chest.

"One cone of ice cream please."

She quickly grabbed a cone and an ice cream scoop then asked again.

"What flavor ?"

The guy stood still as she asked him. His eyes looked down to the colorful ice creams boxes through it transparent glass inside the refrigerator.

She smiled patiently waiting for him observing the ice cream boxes one by one. Ten minutes passes until she can't stand it anymore. The bright smile slowly disappear.

"Ehem... excuse me sir, are you done choosing the right flavor ?"

Without said anything he straight pointed the purple and white ice cream colored with his right and left index finger. He looked into her like a puppy found a bone.

"So its blueberry and vanilla, huh ? Two scoops then." she said while scooping the ice cream and then gave it to him.

"10,000 won sir"

He took out couples won from his wallet and gave it to her.

"Thanks." he said and a quick smile showed.

"Yeah, your welcome. Thanks for com- " the door slammed as that guy left the parlor.

"...ing sir. That guy walking were so fast. I wish his ice cream not fall because of the way his walk." she mumbled while imagining that guy bright smile suddenly changed because of the fallen ice cream.


"Seojin-ah ! stop spacing out like an idiot and start cleaning table number five please."

Jung Siyeon, the other employee threw a small towel at my face while chuckling. She's been my friend since i worked here a month ago.

She teached me everything patiently about ice cream things. She's an i-buy-you-a cake-idgaf-whats-your-favorite-flavor-just-eat-it kind of person. And i like that.

"Nae." I walked to table number five and start lifted up the dirty plates to the kitchen. Left only a group of teenager still eating the waffle in the corner table of the parlor.

08 : 10 PM

"Seojin-ah, you can throw the garbages now. Let me take this." I nodded then pass the broom to Siyeon.

I grabbed two garbage bags full of leftover ice cream topping, waffle, and fruites. What a waste of delicious food. The trash disposal is in the alley beetwen the parlor and the chinese restaurant.

I reached the backdoor walked down four sidesteps. The breeze hit my face soon i got outside. I threw the garbages to the big green trash disposal and followed by the bam iron sound as i closed it.

I clapped my hand to removed dirt left from it. A big sigh came out of my mouth.

"Today are quiet exhausting." I lean on the chinese restaurant wall.

Something caught my eyes from the wall across. Beside the backdoor a sentence written with black marker. The wall is white crumpled but the sentence really stood out.

Hey grumpy face,
Smile !

I smiled. Its so cute for someone random to wrote that. A few space down that sentence, there's another sentence next to a tiny sunflower painted near the floor.

See, your smile could even grow flower :)

I giggled read the second one. Who wrote this cheesy thing out of the blue? Any kind of sentences never written on that wall.

Today, its different. The handwriting seemed like a twelve years old kid. Tidy but a little random on the font. One word big another little.

I pick my pink marker out of my apron pocket. The marker basically there to mark the inventories that has been depleted on the kitchen. I write a sentence down close to the first sentence that written.

Thanks nice person.

I replied just for fun. I left the alley and ready to go home.

Thursday / Dec 11th
04 : 30 pm

"Blueberry vanilla, please." Said the guy from yesterday.

He smiling all the way he came here until i scoop the ice cream. What a strange kid. Even though his smile cute like a puppy.

"Here's your ice cream." He gave me 10,000 won like yesterday.

"Thanks for coming and enjoy your- " Bam. He left soon. Again.

08 : 05

"I got this seojin for godsake just throw the garbage already ohmygod." Siyeon sigh then grabbed my mop this time.

She upset bacause im doing too much cleaning that should've done by her. I chuckled as i went to the backdoor.

It felt so good to get hit by the breeze on your face. Im about to close the door when i saw it. Another sentence written down to my reply yesterday.

Hi, pink.
Im black. Whats your hobbies?
Dec 12th, Tapgol Park. 08 : 30 am
My hobby :)

A/N :
So, this is my first random imagination that i decided to write.
Sorry for the bad grammar, i sucks at grammar lesson.
hope ya'll enjoy it.


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