Chapter 16: The Last Clue!

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Hello, everyone! ^.^ ♥ Sorry I didn't update at all yesterday; I had written so much the day before, my brain needed a break! ^^;  So, gomenasai!  I hope you all like this one, though. c:  I'd update once more, but I have Volleyball again tonight. xP  But it's okay, because after that I have a full week off then Camp starts. (I think Camp is all week, every week for a month or so though...T.T) I dedicate this chapter to NaLuGirl~!  She's awesome, so make sure you fan her, alright?  She's a great friend as well! ^^  Feedback is very much appreciated, and until next time. c:

яу-¢нαи, тнє иαℓυ ωяιтєя ☆


"I know it now..."  Lucy murmured, and everyone looked at her with different expressions; surprise, relief, excitement, but the biggest one was determination.

Turning to look at them, Lucy creased her eyebrows, staring at the ground.  Like she had been doing, Lucy ran the information through her head, going through the route step by step.

First, they had to head off the island, back to Fiore.  There, they had to head northwest, from the sea to the mountains.  Inside one of the many caves located a portal; however, after that, Lucy couldn't see anything else.  What resided behind that portal?  As Lucy thought about it, red eyes flashed in Lucy's mind, ending her route.  Dragon eyes.

All I know is that the dragons will be on the other side, even if we don't know what kind of grounds are on the other side.  She thought.

It'll be dangerous...

When she told the others about this, they looked puzzled.

"I've never heard of such in Fiore..."  Gray murmured.

Erza nodded in agreement.  "Same.  Lucy, are you sure the portal takes us farther into Fiore?  Or...somewhere else?"

Lucy flinched when attention was directed to her.  "Well, I don't know.  It's all we have, isn't it?  All I know is that it'll take us to the Land of Dragons.  So, we have to go."

There was a small silence.

"Let's go, then!"  Natsu exclaimed, grinning.  "I'm ready to find Igneel!"

Lucy smiled.  "Right."

"We will have to be on guard..."  Erza reminded, but agreed.  "Let's head off, then."

Gray sighed.  "So much traveling; it's getting annoying..."

Lucy laughed slightly, and everyone turned to look at her with confusion.

"What's so funny, Lucy?"  Happy asked, residing by Natsu who was also looking at Lucy weirdly.

"You guys are really going to owe me,"  She replied, crossing her arms.

"Eh?"  They all asked, confused.

Lucy lifted her hand, something in between her fingers.

Everyone gasped.

"Cana's transportation card!"  Wendy exclaimed, stunned.

Lucy grinning triumphantly.  "I asked Cana for one before we left, just in case we had to go back through Magnolia during our journey.  I've been saving it this entire time, since Cana said it could be only used once."

Natsu grinned, along with the others.  "That's so smart, Luce!"  Natsu exclaimed, excited.

"You really are trying hard here, aren't ya?"  Gray replied as everyone cheered.

Fairy Tail: End of My Days With You (2nd Book In the "Intertwined Fates" Series!)Where stories live. Discover now