
Sehun shot open his eyes to look at the stranger. He had hoped Jongin would stop but instead he began licking the spot he had bitten and Sehun bit his lips harshly tasting copper and he knew he had just busted his lip.

The stranger who had heart shaped lips and big doe eyes continued to stare, sadness written all over his face, and Sehun began to get mad as to why Jongin wasn't stopping.

"Jongin!" Sehun hissed as he brought his knee up to kick him in the groin. He couldn't push him, Jongin had him trapped.

"Agh!" Jongin groans as he brings his hands to his crotch and whimpers at the pain.

"What the hell! Sehun-"

Sehun only glared and made a movement with his head to indicate there was someone there. Jongin's eyes widened, he remembers now why he had initiated the kiss. He was so lost in Sehun's smell and taste, he had forget Kyungsoo was there looking for him.

Jongin turns slowly to see the disappointed look on Kyungsoo's face. Did he even have the right to look like that? No he didn't. Jongin thought as he moved closer hugging Sehun by the waist. He nestles his head in-between the crook of Sehun's neck, whining.

Sehun soon realized what had happened and made sure to kick Jongin so much he would be hospitalized but right now, he had to get his actor skills going.

"You perverted asshole." Sehun mutters under his breath. "You owe me."

Jongin hears it and smiles as he looks to Kyungsoo who was still awkwardly standing there.

"What do you want?" asks Jongin coldly.

"To talk." Kyungsoo answers with a soft, trembling voice. "I don't really want to though, you're ruining the moment." He scowled at him not caring if it seemed as if Kyungsoo were to cry at any moment.

"Kim." Sehun mutters in sympathy. He didn't know what had happened between them but if Jongin was acting like this then he was sure this Kyungsoo did him wrong.

"Excuse me." Sehun awkwardly says as Jongin nestles his head back inside the crook of his neck, sniffing the scent of pool and ocean. "We really need to get to class so if you'd allow us?" Sehun plasters a fake apologetic smile to Kyungsoo, hoping he could take the hint and leave.

"O-of course." Says Kyungsoo with his head down. "I'll see you later then Kai."

When Jongin doesn't reply, he took it as a sign to leave and left the two fake lovers to be with each other.

"Jongin." Sehun calls to him hoping he can finally get away from the wall that Jongin held him captive in.

"Kim." He calls again when the latter doesn't answer.

"Stupid Turtle, answer me." He hisses.

"Hm." Jongin hums in response, still lost in Sehun's scent.

"We have two minutes till the bell rings, get off of me." Sehun tries to push Jongin off by his shoulders but the latter was too strong and stuck to him like a second skin.

"No, I don't wanna." Jongin whines placing soft butterfly kisses on Sehun's neck, causing him to giggle.

"Stahp!" Sehun giggles once more before hitting the back of Jongin's head scowling because he realized he had a weak spot and now he was pretty sure Jongin knew it.

Jongin leans his head back far enough to look Sehun in the eyes. "Thank you." He says with the most sincere smile he has seen on him.

"If you fall in love with me now you'll lose." Sehun mocks him as he escapes Jongin's grasp.

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