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2 years later
1 January 2016
3:26 A.M.
"Naru wake up, the baby is coming. I just got a call from the hospital." Sasuke said shaking me.

"Really! Oh god, come on let's go." I said and  jumped out of bed. I had a pounding headache because of all the beer I drank earlier. Plus my ass hurts because of Sasuke and his 'needs'.

I shook off both feelings and brushed my teeth and  put a shirt and jeans on. I grabbed the keys to the car and raced to the hospital.

"Hi, we're Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uchiha. We need to see Dr. Tsunade." I told the woman at the front desk.

"Oh my goodness! You two are so cute! I love gay husbands! It gives hope for me and my girlfriend!" She said grabbing both Sasuke and my hand. "But anyways, you probably want to see your baby. Go to room 319."

"Great! Thank you and good luck with you girlfriend!" I called back to her as Sasuke and I raced to the elevators.


"Hn, what is it?"

"Are you nervous?"

"Hell yes I am. This is our first baby!" He said and grabbed my hand. "Oh, and your the mother to this baby. I refuse to be called mommy." I laughed to his proposal.

"I'm totally fine with being the mother figure for our son." I said leaning into his side. We made it to the third floor and ran to room 319.

"Just in time boys, your son is on the way." Dr. Tsunade stated as she entered the room. "Why don't you go in and support her. Child birth isn't easy ya' know." She said and opened the door.

Sasuke and I looked to see the woman we entrusted our child with. She was one of Sasuke's friends and I found out she is my cousin. Her name is Karin. We both went to one side of her and grabbed one of her hands. She's sweating and panting.

"Breathe. Take deep breaths Karin" Sasuke told her.

"Breathe and push, Karin." I said as the doctors helped her. She squeezed my hand tightly through the labor. After an hour the baby was born. The nurses took the baby to the nursery.

We stayed with Karin to make sure she was okay. After about another hour they brought the baby back for us to see. The nurse was handing the baby to Karin. But, she stopped the nurse.

"This isn't my child. I was the life support to him. He's Sasuke and Naruto's baby." She said. "I want Naruto to hold him first." Her request surprised me.

The nurse handed me the small child. Once I took one glance at this child, I immediately fell in love with him. Sasuke stood behind me as I stood holding our child. He wrapped his arms around mine and held the infant with me.


"Hm, what?"

"Rin Uchiha. That will be his name. Is that okay with you?" I asked.

"Rin, it's perfect. I love it." He said and rested his chin on my shoulder. We both looked at the the tiny black haired and blue eyed baby.

"I love him already." Sasuke whispered then kissed my cheek.

"I love him too." I responded.

"I'm going to have to take little Rin back to the nursery. You'll be able to take Rin home tomorrow." She told me as I handed the child to her. She left with him. I went to Karin and took her hand.

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