~Chapter 9~

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End of the day. I was walking with Sasuke and Kiba to my car. Kiba then parted ways when we got in the car. I made Sasuke drive so I could sleep. Once we got home I felt him pick me up and lay me down on the bed. I woke up and went to take a shower. After I did I put my PJs on and walked to the kitchen to see what Sasuke was making.

"Well look who decided to wake up."

"Oooh shut up. I was tired." I responded. 

"Well did you sleep okay?" He said as he pulled me close to him by my waist.

"I slept fine." I said as I put my arm around his waist. I helped him make dinner and we ate. He took a shower and we went to cuddle in bed. He then fell asleep with his face nestled in my chest. And my lips on his forehead. He had his arms wrapped around my body and his leg hugging one of my legs. He fell asleep before I did so I just watched him sleep and it was the cutest little thing.


I woke up, made breakfast, ate, got dressed, and we left to school. I was walking with Kiba to first period when I was pushed into the janitors closet. Saw the light disappear as the door closed. I felt warm lips on my neck and arms on my hips.

"Ummmmm? W-who is this?"

"Shhhh. Don't talk just feel."

"Yeah why?"

"What are you doing?"

What does it look like?"

"Well I can't see so..." I was rudely interrupted by his lips smashing onto mine. He tried to push his tongue into my mouth. But I sealed my lips shut. He put is hand on my abdomen and was moving down. I tried to tell him to stop but before I could he pushed his tongue in my mouth. His tongue was wandering my mouth.

I gave up fighting and wrapped my arms around him and kissed back weakly. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. 'damn! I need to get out of this and fast!' I thought. He pulled away to catch his breath.

"Kiba we shouldn't do this."

"Sorry." He said putting me down. "We should get to class anyways." We both walked out of the janitors room into the crowd of students. We made it to class just in time.


I was walking to the lunch hall when I got a text from Sasuke that said he was sick. I told Kiba then ran to the nurses office. I piggybacked him to my car and drove him home.

"Do you want me to stay home with you?"

"No, go back to school I'll be fine." He said as I laid him down on my bed.

"Okay text me if you need anything. Aright?"

"Okay, see you later." I got my keys and got back in my car and raced back to school to have lunch. I got my food and went through find Kiba.

He was sitting with Hinata and Shino. I sat down next to Hinata I saw her blush and she seemed nervous. But she was only looking at Kiba. I feel this burning sensation in my heart.

What the hell am I jealous?!? Shit! Am I in love with Kiba too?!? FUCKING HELL!!!

"You okay Naruto? You look tense." Kiba said putting his hand on mine.

"Yeah. I just uuuu spaced out." I replied. He grabbed my hand a little tighter and smiled at me. The bell rang so I got up and threw my trash away. And went to 6th period. Then to 7th and then went home.

I got home did my homework then showered. Sasuke was sleeping so I did so quietly. I was to lazy to make dinner so I made some instant ramen for the both of us. I woke him up and handed him the cup. I laid down next to him and we ate together. I then crawled into bed and we both slept pressed up against each other.


I kissed the sleeping raven good bye and left for school. I walked to school because I want to stay in shape. I don't want to lose my strength just because of an injury.

I got to school and went to my first class. I was walking to my second class when I was violently pulled to the men's locker room. I was pushed to the floor I looked up to see their were 3 total strangers.

"What the hell do you want." I said sitting up. But I was pushed down when I was kicked in my leg and a foot on my abs. I screamed and then got a towel tied to my mouth.

"You gay man whore. Gays shouldn't live." The all said as they picked me up and started to beat me. They all punched my stomach where I was stitched up and I could feel them loosening up. They had powerful arms to loosen them so much that they opened.

I could fell the orange ora around me spread to my whole body. Great the nine tails. I felt my cuts closing and feel the towel in my mouth come off.  I felt myself drop and then I opened my eyes and saw the three under me scared as hell.

"I'm letting you off this time but next time it won't be so pretty. Got it!" They all nodded. I returned the ora back to my body. "Oh, and don't tell anybody about this or they'll think your crazy."

They nodded then ran out of the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw blood all over myself. I cleaned myself off. I changed into my shirt P.E. shirt. Then walked to class 20 minutes late. After all of my classes I raced home I had finished all my homework in class so I took a shower. I walked over to Sasuke who was dozing off on the couch. I laid next to him he wrapped his arms around me. I could fell him feeling for my stitches.

"Naruto, where are your stitches?" He said holding himself up with his arm.

"Well...I umm was beat up for being gay. They awakened the beast inside of me and that heals me right away so it closed and only to mark remains."

"WHERE THE HELL WAS KIBA WHEN THIS HAPPENED?!" He said sitting up looking at me.

"It's not his fault I had a different class so he wasn't there. Don't blame him or tell him." I said sitting up and looking at him.

"Who were they?" He asked.

"Football players."

"Typical. But the only thing that matters is that you are ok." I smiled at him and threw my leg over him so I was sitting on his lap.

"I'm better now that I'm with you." I than pulled him into a heated kiss. He then pinned me down and then started to suck on my neck.

"Hay not tonight aaaaa I have schoooool." I told him.

"I'm going to school tomorrow. I feel better."

"That's good. Oh, and I don't think you'll have to worry about those guys. They were scared shitless when they saw the nine tails." He looked at me and smiled.

"What dose it look like anyways?" He asked as he sat down and pulled my arm so I could sit up also.

"Well I get this transparent orange ora around me that has long ears and one tail. And I get the eyes, long nails, and fans like you saw." He pulled me in and hugged me tight.

"My little beastly boyfriend." I than wandered to myself. Why did he still love me with this demon is in me.

"Why do you love me knowing that I have a demon inside of me?" He looked at me and smiled.

"It makes you just more unique and I love people who stand out and aren't afraid to show it." I was shocked by his answer. I hugged him back. He then kissed my forehead and laid his chin on my head. I felt a sense of approval in his words. It made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.

"Do you want dinner?" He asked.

"Not hungry, and you?"

"I've been eating all day." He said picking me up and carrying me to the bed room. He then laid me down on top of himself. I kissed his neck softly without sucking or biting. I then felt his hands caressing my bare back.

"I love you Sasu."

"I love you too Naru." He replied. I hugged him and wrapped my legs around his legs.

I love him, but I think I love  Kiba too. What the hell am I going to do?

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