~Chapter 29~

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4 years later (May 21)
"Sasuke! Do you want to be late or what?! Sakura will be pissed if I'm late!"

"I'm coming, calm your tits." He answered. He came down the stairs with his tuxedo in hand.

"I don't have tits." I joked.

"Oh, well then I can't marry you."

"Come on, you can't quit the day of the wedding." I said playing along.

"I know." He said and pecked my lips.

Wedding day. It's finally arrived. I waited four long years since that Christmas Day. That night was the night I realized we took things too fast. So I confronted him on waiting a little bit longer. He agreed.

And one thing that we did to slow things down is not having sex every night. I would say we only had sex like 10 times in the four years. Which was no disappointment. It was better off that way because it made it more special for us.

Anyways Pain and Itachi are a thing now! They got together two years ago. I hope they get married and have kids like us and Yamato and Kakashi. Well we don't have kids, yet.

That's another thing we talked about. We went to talk to the doctor and they can combine our seed and the child will have both of our genes...I don't know all of the details. It's complicated. So, we tell the doctor when we're ready for a child.

Oh and Sasuke and I joined the P.A. three years ago. And let's just say the first day didn't go too well for Sasuke. He got stabbed in the back. But, he seemed to be happy about the scar. I guess he wanted to have proof of fighting. And through out the three years in there we have gotten so many scars. Another thing it that we have been declared the strongest four man team. Yea that's right, we work with Itachi and Pain.

"We're here. I'll see you at the wedding. Tell Sakura I said hello." Sasuke said.

"I will! See you later, love." I said. I gave him a kiss and got out of the car. I grabbed my suit and went to the door. I knocked.

"Not a minute late nor early. So come on Naruto, I've got work to do with you." Sakura said pulling me in the house.


"You look so handsome!" She said.

"You look beautiful Sakura!" I replied.

"Oh and thanks for helping me with my makeup. How did you know how to do makeup anyways?" She asked.

"Seeing you, Hinata, and Ino do makeup so many times I guess I picked it up." I replied. "Oh, we better hurry or we'll be late."

"Right, let's go!" She said taking my hand and dragging me to the car. She sped off to the dock we reserved for the wedding and the reception.

"Are you nervous little brother?" I turned to look at the man.

"Of course I am big brother!" I said hugging Pain. "So you ready, my best man?" I asked.

"Of course bride." He mocked.

"Haha I get it I'm the woman of the relationship." I said. "But, you can't say much because you're the woman too." I said pushing him. He blushed.

"Whatever." He said and puffed his cheeks. We acted like actually brothers sometimes. So Yamato and Kakashi accepted him as a son. It made me feel so good that they accepted his change.

"Naruto! Come on you have to go take pictures." Sakura said pulling my arm. I grabbed Pain's arm and took him with me.

We made it to the our destination the flower garden. The cherry blossom trees spreading their flowers all over the place. I finally look strait forward and see a beautiful sight.

It was Sasuke standing with a small smile and his eyes so warm and soft. The wind blowing through his sleek black hair. His pail skin complemented the dark suit he was wearing. As he stood, the flowers flowed behind him.

I could feel my heart pounding like I just saw him for the first time. This is the best feeling. I saw him walk up to me and grabbed hands.

"You look absolutely stunning Naruto."

"And you look absolutely perfect, as usual." He smiled and pulled me to the open grassy area. He turned and grabbed both my hands again. I pulled close to his face and he leaned forward as well so our foreheads and noses touched. We both smiled brightly.

"Beautiful!" The photographer gasped and took multiple photos of our pose.

I shifted my head and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. The photographer still snapping pictures of us. We parted our lips.

He picked me up bridal style and spun me around. I clung my hands around the back of his neck, and laughed as he looked down at me and I looked up at him. He started to laugh with me.


This is it, a couple minutes till I'm a married man. I'm so god damn nervous! Can I do this?

What the hell am I thinking?! Of course I can do this! I love Naruto with all my heart and soul. And I'm an Uchiha and they don't show fear.

My thoughts were interrupted by music started to play. I saw Naruto making his way down the isle with his arm laced with Yamato's. Naruto had a beautiful smile graced on his lips and I could see his pearly white teeth. I couldn't help but smile at him.

He came and we grabbed each other's hands. I could feel he was shaking a little. I put my lips next to his ear.

"You okay, Naruto?" I asked

"Y-yea, I'm just nervous." He responded.

"Don't worry, I'm nervous too." I said then kissed his cheek. He giggled and kissed my cheek.

We then returned standing up straight. We both looked at the man that was going to join us in marriage.

He said his speech. And the last part was coming. "You may now kiss the...uh...groom."  He said. I heard a couple people laugh at the mans choice of words.

Naruto grabbed my cheek and I grabbed his. I felt time slow down as I inched closer to my Naruto's face. Our lips finally met. He kissed me tenderly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and dipped his body. People cheered and awed.

We parted our lips and our eyes fluttered open. My dark eyes met his sky blue eyes. I pulled him to stand up. We took each other's hand a walked down the isle with people cheering and the women throwing flowers at us. I smiled as people shed tears of happiness for us.

We reached a room. Naruto and I turned to each other and hugged each other.

"I love you, Sasuke." He said tightening his grip on me.

"I love you too, Naruto." I said returning the tight grip back to him. "I still can't believe that we're married now." He looked up at me and smiled.

"I can't believe I married the best man ever." He said then kissed me. "I'm so lucky to have married you Sasuke!" He said starting to cry.

"And I'm lucky to have such an amazing husband." I said wiping his tears. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" I said petting his head to calm down. "Now come on let's go back out there. Their all waiting to see us."

"Alright, let's go." He said and took my hand. I looked down at him and smiled.   He looked up at me and smiled. 

I'm ready for this life. My life with Naruto and soon a child. I'm excited to be with Naruto for the rest of my life.

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