The Alpha's Pregnant Mate- Drama!!!

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Hey guys!!!! Hope you guys enjoys this chapter. Still have writer's block but just bear with me.

Also check out my sister's new story: Blood Ties by SnowWhite122




She hooked the machine up and did other doctor things before finally putting that wand thingy on my stomach. Zach was sitting next to me on a chair, holding my hand. He was practically bouncing in joy. For me, it was the opposite. Don't get me wrong, I love Zach and the new life I'm bringing into this world but I don't think I might be a good mother. I'm scared that the same thing that happened with my mother and I will happen with my kids.

" Kitten, are you okay?" Zach asked concerned as he peered at my face. 

" Huh? Oh um...... yeah just thinking." 

" Okay. Just tell me if you're not feeling okay." I nodded my head and gave my attention to the monitor. 

" Okay so do you guys see these spots right there? Well those are your babies and it looks like my Luna has more than one." She said smiling.

Oh my god am I really having more than one kid?



Unknown POV

 I watched as Skylar and the dumb-ass Zachary were laughing and holding hands. That should be me! Skylar is mine! Not that bastard's! I have been in love with Skylar ever since I first saw her. I'm not going to let some stupid piece of crap take what belongs to me. Skylar and the Alpha position will be mine. Somehow Zachary thinks that my threat was a bluff. But oh boy was he wrong. I have a better plan. I just have to be patient. Very patient.


Skylar POV

Once we entered our house I went to look for Caine while Zach went to fix me a snack. I had to tell    Caine that he was going to be an uncle, he would be so happy. Maybe afterwards I could video chat or mind-link with Alexis and Miya to tell them the good news.

I walked basically all around the house until finally I saw Caine in the Game Room sleeping. He was laid down on his chest with his arms flopping all over the place. He looked like Patrick right now, Ha-ha. I tiptoed to the couch and jumped up on top of him.

" Wake up Bozo. I have something to tell you." I said still bouncing up and down.

" What the hell Skylar." He growled while getting me up, making me fall backwards. At the end of my short fall I hit my head hard on the armchair. 

" Owww! What was that for." I said while rubbing the back of my head. Concerned and guilt flashed on his face and he instantly began to rub my head in comfort.

" Shit Skylar. I'm so sorry." He said apologetically.

" It's okay. Just don't do it again and make sure Zach doesn't find out." I said with a giggle at the end. He chuckled as well and relaxed back onto the couch with his hands behind his head.

" So what did you want to tell me?" He asked

" I wanted to tell you that there's a more than one bun in my oven." I said hinting.

" What do yo- Wait Skylar your pregnant." He asked with disbelief. I saw hurt and anger flash before his eyes but it went just as fast as it came.

" Yeah I am. Aren't you happy. Your gonna be an Uncle." 

" Um.. Yeah of course I'm happy. I was just shocked. Come here Sky." He said before bringing me into a tight hug. I patted his chest while hugging him back. Seconds past and Caine still didn't let go. 

" Um.... Caine let go." I said awkwardly while trying to push him back. He finally let go and gripped my shoulders a little too tight.

" You make me so mad, Skylar" He said while looking down.

" What are you talking about." I asked a little scared at his tone of voice. 

" How could you get pregnant? I thought you would understand that I love you!" He yelled gripping my shoulders tighter. There was probably a purple bruise forming on me right now. " Dont say anything or contact Zach. If you do I will make sure he dies and you will watch. Do you understand?" He said while covering my mouth with his hand. I stared wide-eyed at Caine. 

He was the traitor.

How could he do this? 

He pulled out a gun and pointed it my head with a hand still covering my mouth.

" Listen to me and listen to me good. This gun is fully loaded with silver bullets. If you do anything stupid I will shoot you with this gun. Now get up. We're gonna leave through the back door." He said menacingly while gripping on to my hair. He pushed me further out the door with the gun pressed against my back. We began walking down the hallway and towards the patio at the end of the hallway. He slid open the door and we walked out speed walking towards the woods. I felt tears work their way down my cheek and my vision became blurry.

We walked further and further into the woods and after about one or two hours of walking we finally came to a stop. I took my opportunity and bit onto the hand that still covered my hand. A loud scream of pain erupted from Caine's mouth and I let go.  I ran as fast as I could. I looked back and saw Caine hot on my trails shooting the gun at me. He missed a couple of times before finally hitting my leg. I collapsed to the floor hitting my head on a tree stump. 

" I told you not to do stupid things" Was all I heard before my conscious slipped away.





Okay guys I'm finished! LOL Sike! I cant do that to you guys.



Zachary POV

I shouldn't have left Skylar alone with my brother. I always knew he was the traitor. That stupid bastard. When I find Skylar, which I will, I will kill Caine. No one is going to hurt My mate or my pups. That was a big no no. Suddenly a pain in my leg made me fall to the floor. I shrieked in pain and gripped on to my leg. The pain subsided and I took a look at my leg to see what was causing that pain. There was nothing. That means this pain is coming from Skylar. This just made me more mad.

' Everyone to my house now. Your Luna has been kidnapped.' I yelled to everyone in my pack through the mind-link. As soon as my order was given out, howls of pain were heard. Not a minute later, my pack warriors along with my beta Carl came storming into my house. I joined them at the front door.

" Your Luna was captured by my idiot of a brother. Now listen. Her scent was by the patio meaning she was taken to the forest right next to it. I want everyone to search for her. If you find my brother kill him. I also don't want any one to harm the Luna if they find her. She is pregnant and if you make a stupid decision I will have your head. Is that understood." I said in Alpha tone. Everyone nodded and  went to search for Skylar. I tried to contact Skylar but was blocked out. I groaned and continued to track her scent.






Hey guys did you like it?? I still have some minor writer's block so forgive me. Anyways, I decided that the new story I'm going to make is human and vampire. If you guys have any title ideas plz comment them and also comment what you think about Caine. ( Very Important plz do this) 

I will update when I get 20 Votes and 15 Comments.





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