Cute Zayn Imagine For @RollerCoaster2612515

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Waiting for Zayn to pick you up for your first date. Your nervous and start panicking when the doorbell rings. You make your way to the door, opening it to see Zayn dressed smartly, eyes sparkling.

"Hi." He says cheerily, leaning forward to kiss your cheek.

"Hey." You say, as you step out of the house. You walk to his car, before he opens the door. "Thanks." You say. He starts driving.

"So how are you?" He asks.

"Good, what about you?" You ask.

"Good too." He says smiling.

"Where are we going?" You ask him.

"Well, that's a surprise." He says winking.

As you arrive, you see an opening in between the bushes. As you walk into the hidden garden, you feel your arm brushing with his every now and again. You admire the beautiful flowers that cover the expanse of the garden. "It's beautiful." You say, stroking the petals of a white rose.

"So are you." He says, plucking a rose and placing it in your hair.

"Thank you." You blush. You continue walking through the garden until you get to a pretty table, with two chairs. Hesitantly, he takes your hand, leading the way towards the table and chairs. You sit down on the chair, that Zayn politely took out. "You're so cute." You say before a pink tinge sets to his cheek.


After having an incredible dinner, you make your way back into his car. "Today's been great." You say, breaking the silence. "Thank you so much for taking me." You add.

"My pleasure." He says as he parks on the pavement adjacent to your house.

"See you tomorrow." You say as you begin to open the car door. Before you step out, Zayn pulls you back, pressing his lips on to yours, unexpectedly.

"Bye." He says, letting go. You smile and kiss his cheek quickly before saying,


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