Cute Louis Imagine for @paypayholland

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"Louis, my feet kill. I can't walk any further." You say, sitting down on the grass.

"Come on Paisley, we're nearly there." He says, pointing to the top of the hill.

"That's so. Far. Away." You say, exaggerating how tired you are.

"I'll give you a piggy back then." He says, approaching you.

"On second thoughts, I'll walk." You say quickly.

"Why?" He asks, confused.

"Because." You say.

"Come here." He says, pulling your wrist.

"What?" You ask as he brings you closer to him.

"Just know that you're perfect." He whispers. You smile before kissing his cheek. "So... Why don't you get on my back?" He asks. You stifle a laugh before getting on his back. He gives you a piggy back up to the top of the hill, while singing What Makes You Beautiful, before setting you down.

"Thanks." You sigh, before picking the grass out of the ground.

"No problem," he said, before sitting next to you.

You felt grass on your face.

"Louis, why did you throw grass at my face?" You ask before throwing some back.

"Grass fight!" He screams before throwing grass at you once again.

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