~ seventeen ~

504 13 15

"Merry Christmas, Henerala"

"The parol goes over here." The Philippines said. "And finished!"

Standing back, she admired her now fully decorated house. The lights were bright and the parols given by Pampanga were huge and colorful.

"Namamasko po, ate!" She heard behind her.

She smiled as the group of children started to sing a carol, their music coming from the improvised instruments.

- - - - -

As she double-checked her presents, looking through the list in order to see if everyone had their gifts, she felt a cold gust of wind pass.

Weird, she thought, I'm sure I closed the windows.

"Maria." A smooth and cold voice called out. A voice she heard so much she's used to it. A voice that sends chills down her spine.

She looked behind her, and there stood the same tall and slender woman in a white and gray coat. Her eyes were dark in contrast to her skin that was pale. Her dark hair was long, their tips looked like they were constantly blown by the wind.

"Henerala Bagyo... I didn't expect you." Maria said, but smiled at her nonetheless. "Merry Christmas."

"Ah, yes. Merry Christmas." The tall woman smiled. She stepped closer to the country. "I have something for you."

Stepping to the side, she revealed the little girl with the same dark hair and pale skin as her.

"Henerala..." The Philippines said as she looked at young girl.

"Oh, my dear. Don't worry, she's the last for this year." She said as she walked away, leaving Maria with the young girl. "...maybe."

She watched the tall woman walk away, until she was not visible.

After that, she looked at the young girl. "Um, I'll call you Nona, is that okay?"

Silence filled the room.

Then, the young kid looked at Maria, her eyes as dark as the Henerala's, before turning dark red and a mischievous smile made its way to her lips.

"Yes, ate."

- - - - -

Shot based on this headcanon:

Kinda like how Russia has General Winter, the Philippines has Henerala Bagyo (Female General Typhoon). On times she leaves Maria a child that represents the typhoon itself, and then Maria names it. The child then messes up and destroys things, so yeah.


Long time, no see!

Please don't punish me for not updating.

Hanggang sa muli, aking mga kaibigan!

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