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Philippines x 2p!Philippines

》Story Starts《


The sky was dark, and the streets were only illuminated by the streetlamps that stood at the edge of the road.

The alleys between each structure seemed to hold an endless darkness. One that can cover up even the scariest things.


That's why the Philippines hate being alone in the dark. In the dark where nobody can see what happens to you.

It took her all the courage she could muster to walk in the dark street. And her courage was leaving her little by little, and now she's just stopping herself from running away like a scared child.


She was walking for a long time now, and she can't hear anything that could suggest that someone was behind her. But she just can't shrug the feeling of someone looking at her - watching.

She was becoming paranoid as the time went by. She couldn't stop herself and so she turned around and screamed, "Wag ninyo akong susundan!" ("Don't follow me!")


The Filipina immediately ran away. When she was sure no one was behind her, she stopped running and stood there to regain her breath. But then, "Bakit ka naman tumakbo mula sa akin?" ("Why did you run away from me?")

She turned and saw a figure exit the alley near her. The figure seemed to perfectly blend with the shadows, not being seen until it finally stood under a streetlamp.

Saksak puso,

Now, she was more surprised than scared.

There stood a girl that looked like her. Their body shape was simlar, same also with their hairstyle. But her skin was pale, her hair was a shade of light brown. And her eyes were red with black swirls.

"C-c-cla..." The Philippines said, shaking. It was a long time since she saw her.

Tulo ang dugo.

"Aww. Maria my dear, it's good to know you still remember me!" The girl said, smirking and walking around Maria, her gaze on the scared form of her 1p. She stepped back. "I missed you!"

"Clara." The Philippines tried not to sound scared. "Why are you here?" She asked firmly.

The smirk on Clara's face disappeared for a second, but was back again in no time. She pulled out a balisong from her back pocket and acted like she was using it as a nail file. "Why?" She looked at Maria, her eyes shining mischievously. "Don't you like me here?"


"But aren't you supposed to be-" Maria was about to ask.

"In the 2p world?" She finished for Maria. "Oh my sweet Maria, it just gets boring there, you know? It gets lonely when you're always 'it' - someone running after someone else for dominance in the country." She started walking towards her, balisong still in her hand. "I'm tired of being 'it' for centuries. So I decided I'd change things up. Fuck the balance of the 1ps and 2ps."

She was so near, and she was already raising her knife. But Maria can't seem to move. She was rooted in place, her eyes widen as she watched her 2p's actions.


"Maria... It's your time to say goodbye to your world." Clara was already in front of her.

Behind her red eyes there was a fire. A flame that indicates that she was either a genius or a madman. Here, it was the latter.

Maalis ka na diyaan.

"Taya ka na, Maria." ("You're 'it', Maria.")

The knife went down.

》Story Ends《

I just... UUGHHHH...

I love this one so much. I don't even know why.

Maybe because I became a bit obsessed of the 2ps for a while???


Alright now let's talk about those italized things that weren't dialogues. It's actually a chant:

Langit, lupa, impyerno
Saksak puso
Tulo ang dugo
Patay, buhay
Maalis ka na diyaan.

And here is a loose English transalation of it (I got it off of wikipedia):

Heaven, Earth, Hell
Stab the heart
Out comes blood
Dead, Alive
And out you go.

* 'Hell' wasn't chanted that much. "Im-im-impyerno" was just hell in Filipino with the first syllable repeated. So it's more like "he-he-hell" or just "hell-hell-hell" since it only has one syllable.

* I think the last one would be better if it's "And away you go."

And if you're wondering why I know a chant like this, it is actually a chant used for a traditional Filipino game that kids play called "Langit, Lupa."

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