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"Cooking Show"

Philippines x China

》Story Starts《

"Hey China!" The Philippines called out.

The called nation turned and saw her walking to him. He smiled and waved at her. "Hello, aru."

They walked side by side and the Philippines suddenly asked, "Do you remember the cooking show our teams participated in a few day ago?"

China looked at her, confused. "I don't remember. Did that even happen?"

The female nation said, "But it did happen!"

China tried remembering something about a cooking show, only to have no results. "The only thing I remember is the 2015 FIBA Asia Championship, aru."


》Story Ends《

For @APHThePhilippines because I woke up to a bunch of her rants about the game.

Honestly I'm not really that big of a fan so I don't know what happened so I went to twitter and there's a lot of people saying it was like a cooking show??? (Idk how.)

Well at least they became second. Congratulations Gilas!

Hanggang sa muli, aking mga kaibigan!

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