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"The Accident"

Male!Visayas x Reader

》Story Starts《

You walked into the living room where you saw your husband sitting on the floor covered with carpet with his guitar on his hands. Sat across from him was your three year old daughter, (D/N).

Your daughter's eyes and hair was the same as your husband, dark brown and black respectively. Her facial features, such as her nose and lips, were like yours.

You smiled when you see the shine in your daughter's eyes when her father started strumming it.

He stopped all of a sudden, a kinda confused look on his face, then he proceeded to properly tune his guitar. Oops, maybe - just maybe (this situation is PURELY hypothetical) - you and (D/N) played with the guitar while he was gone and ended up having it out of tune.

"There!" He said as he finished tuning the guitar. Unfortunately though, when he moved his guitar, he accidentaly hit (D/N) lightly on her forehead.

For a moment both of them just stared at each other's eyes, both surprised. Then, Visayas started laughing.

Your daughter just frowned then started to cry. This startled your husband and he immediately put down the guitar and used his arms to pull his daughter closer to him.

He stood up with (D/N) in his arms and started saying things in a Bisaya dialect while kissing her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He mumbled when (D/N) stopped crying. He continued to hold her in his arms until she was already asleep.

Seeing that she was asleep, Visayas made his way to the couch and sat there, laying your daughter on his chest while he stroke her hair gently.

He soon fell asleep with (D/N) on his chest.

You smiled at the sight and then made your way upstairs and got a blanket. You went back down and layed the blanket over Visayas and (D/N).

When you were about to leave, you felt something around your wrist. You turned to see that it was Visayas' hand, pulling you under the blanket with him and (D/N).

When you were finally under and your head comfortably on his shoulders, he kissed your forehead and put one of his arms around your shoulders, pulling you closer.

You snuggled at bit closer and closed your eyes.

You can't wish for a better family.

》Story Ends《

Such a dramatic title for a one shot that turned out like this, right?

Two family themed one shots in a row, heh.

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