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"Fooled You"

Philippines x Romano

Story Starts

The school was overflowing with hearts, cards and chocolates.

The classic color of red was what dominated the halls, the rooms, practically everywhere else in the school.

But seriously, who can blame anyone? It was Valentine's day.

Well, not everyone enjoyed that day.

One of those people being Romano.

He hated all the couples that acted all lovey-dovey everywhere. He, of course, absolutely despise the moment when he would see his little brother Veneziano with the potato bastard, Germany.

He looked like he hated them outside, but deep inside, he was happy for his brother. At least one of them was succeeding in love.

It's not like he was really picky with girls, it was just that most are taken or something.

Belgium? She's cute. I had a crush on her when I was younger. Though I think Spain's making a move on her. Plus, I don't like her brother.

Hungary? She is nice and all, but she already has Austria and Prussia. Don't want to be part of that.

Ukraine? Not really my type. She'll be more like a sister than an actually girlfriend.

Belarus? Pretty. Would totally go for her if she just wasn't so obsessed with Russia.

Liechtenstein? Seriously? Do I look like I want to be a shooting target? No thanks.

Seychelles? She's with France. Or England. I'm not really sure.

Wy? Too young. Maybe when she gets older.

... Well maybe Romano is a bit picky.

- - - - -

But of all the girls, there was one that truly liked him. One who had feelings for him the he just can't seem to feel.

The Philippines.

She knew liking the damn bastard will be a pain in her part, she just couldn't stop herself from liking the Italian. She experienced in person how his attitude is, but she still chose to even like him rather than hate him.

She just hates her heart sometimes.

'Well, today I'm gonna confess to Romano.' She wrote in her journal as she sat on the table at lunch with the other ASEAN countries. 'Wish me luck.'

Malaysia and Indonesia, who sat beside her on each of her side, just happened to glance at the small notebook. Both said nothing, though they couldn't stop the smirk that made its way to their own lips.

- - - - -

As the Philippines walked down the hall to the direction of Romano's locker, her hands was nervously fumbling with the hem of her school uniform.

Her mind went blank as she caught sight of the curl that was unmistakably Romano's. Her heartbeat went wild as she felt like she was starting to become a nervous wreck.

"H-hey Romano." She was able to say. The Italian looked at her, "What do you want?"

"U-um... It's Valentine's day so um..." She looked down at the floor, suddenly unable to finish her sentence. Romano, however, was quickly growing impatient, "So what? I don't want my precious time to be wasted on an idiota like you."

She looked up to his eyes, took a deep breath, and, with all the courage she got, said, "I like you."

This was not something the Italian thought would happen.

The Philippines felt as if time slowed down after her confession, she saw his eyes widen in surprise, and her heart is about to collapse from the rate of its beating. Though her heart was beating fast, her lungs on the other hand, stopped working as she held her breath.

Seconds passed and it still was silent, before Romano laughed.

"You're... Kidding... Right? Hahahaha!"

Her hearing of the sounds around her dulled as it was only filled with the sound of Romano's laugh crush her little heart in a million little pieces.

As Romano's laugh died down, the Philippines thought fast of something that could take her out of the situation. "Ha!" She said, faking a triumphant look on her face. "Of course I'm kidding! It was just a dare! Hahaha! You think I'll like someone as idiotic and useless as you? As if!"

She stuck her tongue out at him before walking away in the other direction. She left Romano in a state of shock from her words. As she walked away, she made sure that the Italian wasn't able to see all the tears escaping down her cheeks.

- - - - -

Later, the Philippines was found by Indonesia, Malaysia and the other ASEAN nations in the restroom, crying.

It took all other ASEAN countries (and a few more) to restrain Indonesia and Malaysia from beating the living crap out of Romano.

Story Ends

The thought of someone confessing and being rejected was just something that has been in my mind for a while.

Well, this is the longest update yet! (Of course, not including the ones with the song lyrics in them).

P.S. Thank you guys for 800+ reads. I truly appreciate it. Thank you.

P.P.S. The movie Heneral Luna was awesome. Like it, love it.

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Philippine One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora