Chapter 7: What is Wrong With Me?

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I was stupid. Lol so stupid

Ralph's POV
I don't know what I was doing? It just...happened. He deserves it! He was.... I couldn't control it. But even when I did bully him he never said he hated me....

I stare at the door of the boys restroom. I messed up. He's with Jasper. I.... I just......

Is it wrong to want something that's taken? Is it wrong to chase for something you had alone first? But then someone comes and takes away.

I go to the boys restroom door about to come in but the door opens and hits my face.

=•= this is how Blaise's face looked like.

"I'm sorry."he said looking away. "I can take you to the nurse."he said glancing at me but then looking down.

"I'm sorry too." I said holding my nose.

"It's bleeding."he said worried now looking at only me. "This is all my fault."he said and ran to the classroom then came back. "Let's go."he said a d grabbed my arm.

My face flushed. No one's been this nice to me. Damn it Blaise....

At the nurse's

"It's not broken."she said as she got a ice pack while Blaise put a bandaid on my nose. Then she glanced at Blaise.

Ice packs don't fix everything. I thought as I rolled my eyes. She handed it to Blaise who gave it to me. She stared a bit more at Blaise. Creep.

"Now go to class."she said and practicality pushed us out her office.

"Bitch." I grumbled.

"Language mister." Blaise said shaking a finger at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I said and he looked confused.

"But your the one who got hurt."he said.

"I know but just forget what I did. Okay?" I said looking away.

"Uh okay."he said looking down.

The bell rung and I left as quickly as possible.

I wasn't suppose to be gay. But I guess I was all along.

Blaise's POV
When I looked up he wasn't there anymore. I frowned. How was I suppose to forget what happened. Then I realized why the nurse kept on looking at me. My face heated up and covered the hickey on my neck. When do these go away? I'm gonna have to look it up. I sighed and ran to my locker. I'm glad nobody noticed when I went back in class to get permission to take Ralph to the nurse. I feel a but bad about saying I hate him. I should apologize the next time I see him.

"Where the heck did you go?"a voice said making me jump but I still covered the hickey.

"Uh uh the nurse." I said looking all directions but Cody's way.

"Uh huh."he said crossing his arms. "For your neck? Cause you sure are hiding it."he said with slanted eyes.

"Uh something like that." I said wishing I grabbed a extra bandaid to hide the hickey.

"Mind moving your hand."he said.

"Uh actually I do mind, by the way we might be late to Science so we better get going." I said and ran as fast as I could and I bumped into the one person I really didn't want to see.

"Blaise!" Jasper said smiling.
I felt guilt. I turned away from him flustered. "Hey, what's wrong?"he asked.

"Uh uh I feel like I'm gonna-" I said and BOOM! I puked.

Jasper and Cody took me to the nurse. I was sent home early. Yes! And nobody noticed my hickey! I'm practically dancing in the front seat in my dad's car. I only see dad a few times a week.

"Um son?"he said grinning as we stop at a red light.

"Yeah dad?" I said looking at him while smiling.

"Are you seeing a girl?"he asked.

"Huh? Why would you ask that?" I ask confused.

"Um son."he said clicking his tongue.

It took me awhile to figure out why he asked. Now my face looks like this (≧~≦) it's completely red. I cover it quickly while dad laughs.

And there we go. All for today. Nighty night to some of you. Peace out my potatoes

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