Chapter 2: Sing Your Heart Out

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Oh I remember this day so well.

Blaise's POV
Why is Ralph even here? He doesn't sing. He only pretends. How do I know? Well sadly I sit by him. I'm in the middle of Cassie and him. Cassie is talking to some girls about some boy band. I get a tap on my shoulder. I turn and Ralph looks at me and grins.

"Huh?" I say.

He's never done that be- I was thinking until I feel with my chair onto my face. And to think I thought he had a nice smile. People laugh and some look concern.

"Jerk." I mumble as I get up and he's still grinning. I smile as well. "I hope karma strikes you like lightning." I said and he shrugged.

"I didn't kick your chair."he said.

And he was right. I turned around. It was Olive. She scrunched up her nose at me.
Her lime green eyes meet my baby blue ones. She slants them. I see her and Ralph must be dating and working against me.

"Your girlfriend means you get blamed to." I said to Ralph.

He glared at me. "Why would I date Olive head."he said putting his hands behind his head.

Olive glared at both of us. "Well I'm not the one who's bothering a boy cause I like him." Olive said smirking.

Ugh Olive.... I remember her.

I turned to Ralph who looked angry. "Bitch! I'm not a fag!"he yelled making me cridge.

I hate that word.

I still hate that word.

I look down. Why am I treated differently because of who I like. I've never even liked a boy before.... But I know because of guy I found really attractive in a movie. Awww poor Paul Walker. R.I.P Paul Walker.

"Blaise Murry." Mrs. Ruggles said. (Lol had to use my choir teacher's name)

"Uh yes." I say walking up to the piano where she was sitting behind it.

"It's your turn to sing."she said.

She does this once in a while to see if we actually know the words and to see if she needs to change what place we are.

"Carol the bells."she said.

Sadly I have to sing it the way she taught us. I see the song unsure of myself and quickly sit down.

"Ralph Sterling." Mrs. Ruggles said making Ralph cridge.

He stood up and walked slowly to the piano. Surprise surprise. He's usually in the restroom when it's his turn and he stays there until choir is over. He probably sounds terrible.

He opens his mouth.

Hark how the bells
Sweet silver bells
All seem to say
Throw cares away

My jaw drops. He sings like an angel. You want to know how I heard from all the loud talking I his by the piano close by. When Ralph was done I just stared in space.

"Hey!"someone said and snapped me back to reality.

I came face to face with the beast who had a voice of an angel.

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