I looked up about half an hour later and saw that the doctor was walking in. I closed the notebook, and looked up,

“Hello Doctor Robinson.”

“Hello Meghan, how are you feeling this evening?”

“Fine, like myself.” I replied laughing, the doctor joined in.

“That’s great to hear, well if everything is fine. Then I suppose that you can go home if you mother is OK with that.”

“I’m pretty sure that she is fine. I think that she wants to get out of here too.” 

“Well, when she comes back, tell her that you are free to go.”

“Thanks’ Doctor Robinson, see you later.”

“Good-bye Meghan, I hope I don’t see you soon.”  The doctor called as she walked out of the room, then mom walked back in.  I stood up straight again, she nodded.

“Mom the doctor said that I can go home! Can Skie take me home? Please let me leave.”

“Calm down Meghan, that is an order. Yes, if Skylare is up to it, I will allow her to take you home.”

“Thank you mommy, I love you!” I held my position until she nodded again, and I ran to give her a hug. I turned around and threw everything that was mine into my bag, and grabbed Skie’s wrist.

“Come on, I want to get out of here!” Skie looked at mom, who nodded, and the two of us ran out of the room, down to the main floor and to Reception.

“Can I help you?” the nurse asked, eyeing us as if we were up to no good.

“Yeah, I’m checking myself out. Doctor Robinson already said that it was fine for me to leave.” I replied a little breathless.

“I’m sure that Doctor Robinson will verify this, please wait a moment.” She said picking up the phone; I rolled my eyes as the nurse talked quickly to the doctor and then hung up the phone. She glanced at me and smiled slightly,

“Alright, you are free to leave; I’ll just need your signature Miss. Richmond.” Skie and I both walked over, “Um, Miss. Meghan Richmond, I’m sorry for the inconvenience of your time.”

“Good-bye,” I mumbled walking out of the hospital and into the sunlight. I closed my eyes and let the sun hit my face.

“Come on, Megh, you said that you wanted to go home, now that’s what we’re going to do.” Skie muttered walking out behind me.  She practically dragged me over to her car, and I jumped in. She ran around to the other side, hopped in, and started the engine. It revved, and Skie slowly backed out, and then hit the gas. We sped down the highway towards the house.


About an hour later, we pulled up, finally at home. I jumped out of the car and raced towards the house, pulling the chain from around my neck that held the house key.

“Skie hurry up!” I shouted as I ran into the house. It was dark, and cold, “Hello? Is anyone home?” I called walking and turning on a light. Suddenly the house was full of soft, warm lights. Skie walked up from behind me, and made her way towards the kitchen.

“Mrs. Hawkins, are you here?” she called walking through the kitchen, there was no answer.

“Maybe she went home…” I suggested following my older sister around.

“You’re probably right, which means we have to find something for dinner. Any ideas little sister?” she asked I shook my head,

“Nope, I’m happy with anything.”

“Well, if you don’t have a suggestion then how ‘bout a pizza, from Pappa D’s?” I nodded eagerly, my sister walked to the phone and phoned in the order. I listened from the kitchen, and licked my lips as I thought about the pizza.

I thought about the cheese glistening as the fluorescents hit the pizza, the red marinara sauce running over the sides. The soft, warm crust that was filled with mozzarella cheese just seemed to melt on your tongue. The pizza at Pappa D’s is amazing, it’s like a family recipe, and Pappa D’s family is the only one who knows the recipe.

“Don’t forget the extra marinara and the bread sticks!” I called remembering something else as I ran up the stairs. I ran to my room and found that the door was already open. Maybe I had just forgotten to close it from earlier. I ran in and grabbed a couple of blankets and a movie from my shelf of movies.

Whenever Skie and I are home alone, and it’s dark or raining, we get blankets and grab a movie and order a pizza to share. It’s like a tradition that we started, and it just kept going on for years. The movie I had grabbed was…

“IT’S FERRIS BULERS DAY OFF!” I shouted as I ran back down the stairs, Skie was off the phone and getting the lounge ready for out “Movie Night”.

“The pizza is gonna be here in about twenty minutes, so we have time to get everything ready. Thank God that they have delivery!” she gasped walking into the lounge carrying an armful of pillows. I laughed because she looked so fricking funny, I threw the blankets on the “L” shaped sofa, and she threw the pillows and walked back to the kitchen to grab the Crystal Light.

“Make sure that its strawberry.” I shouted as I got the movie ready,

“Alright, where did you learn to be so picky?” she called back laughing.

“Where did I learn it… growing up with you, that’s where!”

“Now that’s not funny!”

“I thought that it was!” I watched the screen as the options for the movie came on, “Now all we need is the pizza.” There was a moment of silence that stretched through-out the house then the majestic sound of the door bell rang out.

“Yay, the pizza is here!” I ran to the door and answered it. There was a kid about fifteen holding a large package,

“Skylare Richmond?” he asked slightly embarrassed, I smiled,

“Nope, I’m her little sister, but I can take the pizza, she’s busy.” I replied as he placed the food in my arms. I set down on the low table, and got the money,

“How much?” I asked,

“Twelve-twenty.” The boy replied, I found a twenty and handed it to him,

“Keep the change.” He smiled and walked down the steps to his car. I closed the door and picked up the pizza and headed towards the lounge.

Skie was there with a pitcher of crystal light, and now we could start the movie. I found the remote, and hit the play button.

“This is the best night ever!” I whispered as the movie started and we both dug into the pizza. Skie looked at me and smiled,

“Here’s to the best little sister ever!”

“Here’s to the best big sister ever!”

We both started to die of laughter and the movie hadn’t even started yet. This reminded me of life when we were younger, and we get along a lot better now than we did then. I realized how much I loved my big sister, and how much my life would suck if she wasn’t here.


Hey... here is Chapter six! So what did y'all think? I liked this chapter because of the sisterly love in this chapter. Sometimes i wish that me and my sisters we like this... but you can't pick and choose your family right?!?! HAHA, so please Comment, Vote, and mainly Fan and Add this to your Library if you haven't done so already! Tell me what you like and didn't like... I always look for improvement!!

Thanks Guys,

~love Bree

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