Chapter 8

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We headed into the house. I slipped into a shorter dress and flip flopps.
Me and Jake cut the cake and forsed each other's face in it.

Mom came over with an older woman about age 35ish. She had brown hair and was just smiling
Brandon(one of the wolves)
"You look so much like your mom!!! Bella your daughter is so cute!!!!" The woman said.
I started to get scard. Jake just chucked.
"Hi Jessica its nice to see you." Jacob said.
"You are way hotter now then last time I saw you." The woman [Jessica] said.
I grabbed Jacob at that moment and started kissing his neck and anywhere I could reach.
Jacob wrapped his arms around me and started kissing me.
"Jessica I'd like you to meet Renesmee my wife." Jacob said
"My fault I should had introduced you to my daughter earlier." Mom said.
"Its okay I can tell she has no clue who I am. Renesma I am your parents high school friend. I met your husban here a few times before"
I looked at Brandon heavly staring at Jessica.
Mom caught me noticing it.
"Brandon imprinted on her....thats how she knows the truth. And Emma [brandon's little sis] imprinted on mike Jess's ex highschool boyfriend"mom said
"Its good to see you Bella again. Good luck both of you." Jessica walked away waving.
Me and Jake spent the rest of the night dancing and finally at 10pm we said our goodbyes and me and Jake headed out to our honnymoon

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