Little did she know that this could be his only reminder he left for her..

Little did she know that her sleepless nights when he wasn't around could continue..

That night she slept with the coat on..

Authors P.O.V.

The next morning.. Hari and Karthika were all ready to leave, their luggages packed and placed in the trunk. Vinod was there to take them back home.. A 2 hour journey..

After bidding their goodbyes and blessing the girls, the couple got in the car and and started their travel back home.

They both were happy, content, blessed...

"Hariji.. We have to fix their marriage soon after Cherry is back.. They both are like soo in love..."Karthika said to her husband, leaning onto his chest.

"Haa Karthu.. Me and Sanjay had a talk about that last day from the train... They are more than happy to make the marriage as soon as possible.. Especially after the attack Sanjay is tensed... He wants to give her hand off before its too late.."Hari said, remembering their talk about the kids' marriage.

"All I wish is, Cherry will call Shivani for the marriage.. I want to see my grandchildren." Karthik's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she thought of her daughter... Its been about 3 years since she left..

"Hmm Cherry will... He loves his sister a lot.. I'm sure he will call her.. Or at least I'm sure Dhruvika will want to call her... "Hari said and Karthika smiled on hearing about her would be daughter in law...

"I'm glad Cherry found her... I've never seen him happy like this for a while... He is always smiling when she is near.. Aur Dhruvika bhi... How she took care of the family.. Its a blessing we have her..."She said.

"Haha... Right.. She is precious.. And Rithika too... Such a bubbly.. Full of life.." Hari said, as they thought if her tiny pranks.

"She sometimes reminds me of Shivani... And I swear if I had one more son younger to Cherry, I would have made him marry Rithika and keep her by my side.. Both of them as my daughters.."Karthika said and closed her eyes, tiredness consuming her.

Her sleep was disturbed when the car made a sudden stop, its wheels screaching..and she woke up with a jolt..

She looked at Hari and saw worry in his eyes. She looked through the front glass and saw a jeep across the road, blocking their way... There were no other cars in sight, and the road looked almost empty...

Suddenly out from the jeap came half a dozen men armed with guns and huge knives, and Karthika's heart almost stopped beating.

She clutched into her husband, fear consuming her...

"Vinod.. Lock all the doors and whatever happens don't get out of the car.. And if anyone points a gun at you make sure you duck.. Do you get me?" Hari spoke,encircling his arms around Karthika...

Suddenly, the man who sat in the front seat aimed a big rifle at them.. And Hari screamed .. "DUCCCCCK..."

Suddenly there was the sound of a bullet fire, and he waited for the car glass to shudder, but nothing happened..

From being arranged to love!!! #An Indian Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now